30 Days to a Diabetes-Free Life

Despite what You’ve been Told – You CAN Reverse Diabetes Permanently – and You Don’t Need Insulin Shots

In just 30 days from today you could be enjoying a life without diabetes.

It’s true.

You see, there’s a new report that tells you exactly how to reverse your diabetes – or anyone’s for that matter – naturally. With no insulin injections, and no constant blood-sugar-checking.

It really is a miracle how this works and you owe it to yourself to check it out.

The clock is ticking – if you start right now you’ll have only 29 more days to kick diabetes out of your life. Click here to learn how.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Diabetic's Weight Reduction and Exercise Program

By James Conte

I'm sure you already know the fact that by being overweight, you increase your risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes greatly. You also know that it's not just a few extra pounds we're talking about here; we're saying that it's about more than 20 pounds. In other words we are talking about being obese. One of the best ways to lose weight and lower the risks of getting diabetes is to exercise. It's critical for diabetics to exercise. It is our hope that we can help you to achieve rapid weight loss to control your blood sugar.

Even though Type 1 diabetes can't be avoided, exercise is a great help in controlling insulin sensitivity in the body. The exertion brought forth by the exercise causes the muscles to burn glucose more efficiently. Exercising also causes an increase in metabolic rate which helps burn calories and in turn makes your body shed off extra weight.

Even though you can't prevent Type 1 Diabetes, you can prevent Type 2. To prevent it, one of the first steps you can take is to make use of a losing weight program that includes exercise and healthy eating. The next step would be to make use of the proper vitamins and herbal supplements to reduce sensitivity to insulin and help you keep a healthy weight. You may also want to think about the benefits of alkaline health drinks.

It has been determined by recent studies that if an overweight person goes on daily 30-minute walks, he can greatly reduce his possibility of getting Type 2 Diabetes. The natural swing of the arms and legs will increase the circulation to the heart and lungs. In turn, this decreases the possibility of heart disease and helps in avoiding loss of circulation in the lower extremities. This is a deadly side effect of diabetes.

High blood pressure often plagues overweight people and diabetics. This as you know causes a shrinking of the blood vessels and restricts blood flow to the extremities of the body, particularly the lower ones. Exercise reduces blood pressure making the blood vessels open up. Thus increasing the blood flow to the lower extremities; which then protects the feet and toes of a diabetic or overweight person from being damaged terribly.

But this does not simply occur overnight and it is crucial to losing weight and controlling/preventing diabetes. Since exercise has to be done daily, there are some dangers that exercise can bring about. Fortunately, as long as you have an awareness of these dangers, you can remain safe.

If you happen to be diabetic or even just borderline diabetic, exercise could lower your blood sugar levels and cause you to be hypoglycemic. If you do your exercises alone make sure you keep fruit juices or candy bars handy that can restore your blood sugar level quickly.

Monitor closely your physical feelings during exercise and after. If you notice that you are feeling weak and drained or experience a sudden onset of hunger it's possible your blood sugar levels are dropping below the safe level. Again go for the candy or the juices.

Exercising and losing weight go hand in hand for diabetics. To make sure you are doing everything right, it is important that you seek help from a doctor or other healthcare professional. You can control both weight reduction and diabetes, don't let them control you.

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Friday, April 29, 2011

Are You Suffering from Fatigued Adrenals?

By Anju Mathur, MD

Just what is Adrenal Fatigue?

* Weary or exhausted at times when you really shouldn't be?

* Feel tired when faced with stress?

* Having trouble getting up in the morning?

* Need caffeine or sweet foods to give you a boost?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, you may be suffering from Adrenal Fatigue, the 21st century condition. Adrenal fatigue could occur in anyone who is suffering severe or constant physical or emotional stress. It is also an important contributing factor in many ailments ranging from obesity to allergies. Despite its prevalence, the medical community has largely ignored it. Although it affects millions of people throughout the industrialized world, conventional medicine does not recognize it as a medical condition.

There are other references to the subject of fatigued adrenals and it has been referred to as Non Addison's Disease, adrenal apathy, and other such names that mean the same thing. This problem can make your life extremely difficult. Adrenal Fatigue occurs when the adrenal gland cannot keep up with the requests of the body because of stress factors in one's life. The level of stress being faced by the individual determines the demand placed on the adrenal glands to produce more hormones. When the demand is constant and extreme, like in today's society where people can experience stress demands every few minutes, results in the fatigue and symptoms listed above. In such cases, the adrenal becomes so jeopardized that it impinges upon the other body functions which include balances in the body such as mineral to water, ability to convert food into energy, properly functioning heart and a persons libido. In more severe cases the adrenal glands can be so exhausted and working so far below optimum a person can feel tired all day and hardly able to function for more than a few hours at a time.

What kind of people get adrenal fatigue?

Anyone can suffer from adrenal fatigue sometime in his or her life. An illness, a life crisis or difficult situation can drain the adrenal resources of even a healthy person. However there are factors that can make you prone to getting adrenal fatigue. They include certain lifestyles e.g. smoking, drugs, too little sleep, poor diet or too many pressures or repeated infections (chronic bronchitis or recurrent infections pneumonia etc.).

How common is adrenal fatigue?

The US, as a country, suffered one of the worst stress inducers, the attack of 9-11. Since this time over 80% of North Americans have suffered from adrenal fatigue in some way. The severity and length varies from a short term temporary condition to it lasting for a long period of time and becoming quite incapacitating.

How can you discern if you are suffering from Adrenal fatigue? Here's some clues to look for:

* If you very often feel tired for no apparent reason.

* Can't get out of bed in the morning even if you go to bed at a reasonable hour.

* Feeling rundown with no energy or completely swamped.

* Health Doesn't return fast following and illness or stress in your life?

* Crave sweet or salty foods?

* Feeling best only in the evening?

Other physical problems that are influenced by adrenal fatigue

* Blood sugar levels that are low

* Aching tissues and muscles

* Insulin and pancreas impairment that results in Diabetes

* Infections that occur over and again

* Allergies

* Chronic inflammation of the joints

* Sleep disorders

* Difficult Menopause

* Disproportion in the hormone balance for women

If you suspect you may be experiencing Adrenal fatigue is important to get it handled as it can be a serious health problem. It can be easily discovered if it exists, can be treated with diet supplements and sometimes, additionally handled with bioidentical hormones which are all-natural without synthetics or animal derivations which will help a person to become well again.

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Cataracts, Surgery And Recovery

By Owen Jones

You have to be very careful with your eyes because they can so easily be damaged beyond repair. My eyesight started to deteriorate as I reached forty, like most people. My friends and family put that down to the fact that I was sitting in front of a computer screen for about twelve hours a day and had done since I was twenty-eight. Still, there was nothing I could do about that, that was my work. I was self-conscious of wearing glasses at first, but you soon become over that.

My eyes continued to get worse and at a greater rate than friends of a similar age, but I thought that that was only the luck of the draw. However, one morning about ten years later, I woke up and it was as if my glasses were dirty. I spent the next day or two cleaning them, but I could not seem to move the dirt on the right lens.

By that time, my vision was too bad to see without glasses and I only had the one pair. I had moved to rural Thailand and procuring a second pair was no easy feat.

After a couple of days of cleaning and polishing my glasses a friend offered to take me the 75 km to the nearest good hospital. The opthamologist looked in my eyes and said: "I am very sorry, but you are senile". I had been called mad before, but not senile. I was fifty-two. It is not really a statement that beggars a question, so I merely looked at him and put on a glum expression, hoping that I was not confirming his diagnosis.

He looked at me and then looked in his desk, pulled out a book and opened it. "You have premature senile cataracts" he corrected himself. I was not sure whether that was any better as it implied that other parts of me may begin failing early as well. Anyway, I thanked him and left. I had no idea what to do next, but at least I knew better that to continue wasting my time attempting to clean my already spotless glasses.

My wife is very practical and she arranged for us to go to an even better hospital 650 km away. I was seen by one of the hospital's senior eye surgeons within the hour and was told that I had a cataract in my right eye and that there was a decent opportunity that I would get one in the left eye as well. Then she shocked me by asking: "Do you want me to remove it now?"

It was too big a decision for me to take there and then without any information, so we discussed the operation, she gave me a leaflet and I made an appointment to return the next day. The next day, I was in the operating chair. I was not going to have Laser Correction, but the full replacement of the lens. The operation is carried out under local anaestetic and does not hurt but it can be uncomfortable at times.

The surgeon cut a small incision of two millimetres just to the outside of the colour of my eye and squirted in some liquid. She then vibrated that fluid with ultra-sound to break up the lens in my eye and washed the bits of lens out with more fluid before inserting the new lens through the same hole.

By this stage of my life, I could just see light and dark with my right eye, but at one point my eyesight just ceased entirely. It was like watching a window shatter before your eyes only to realise that there was nothing but blackness beyond. Now I definitely was blind in that eye. There was a bit of discomfort, but the surgeon kept talking to me and then she said: "Wait, wait, wait, can you see me?"

And I could.

Absolutely perfectly. Better than I would have been able to fifteen years before, but everything was so bright that it dazzled. I had not noticed how dingy my world had become. A cataract is like having a net curtain over a window, it cuts out a great deal of light. Therefore, the first thing you become aware of whilst you have had a cataract removed is a flood of light. Your world literally is a brighter place - to such an extent that the light hurts.

Be cautious with light after the surgery, it cannot bring about lasting damage, but it honestly does hurt. A passing vehicle can reflect sunlight into your eye and catch you unawares. If you are driving or riding a motorbike, it could be very dangerous. Another danger is reflection. You have an open wound on your face which can be infected by wind-borne germs.

The week after the operation is a great deal more dangerous than the procedure itself. You have an open wound in your eye which they do not stitch. It is left to repair itself, which is not a problem, if you take precautions.

You have to put two types of drops in your eye four times a day and prevent getting water in your eye at all costs. That means do not go out in the rain and do not wash your hair in the shower. Dirt and consequent infection are your biggest enemies, so put the drops in regularly, avoid dust (and the powdered dog faeces mixed in with it) and all water and be very careful of light.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Way a Diabetic Diet Can Be Helpful For Controlling Blood Sugar

By Helen Brown

The person with diabetes has more control over their condition that they may realize. One strategy that takes the condition into account is the diabetic diet. Eating too much of the wrong foods can make the condition worse. Of course your doctor will be able to help you know what foods to eat. And it's not like your diet will become bland and boring because you can still eat a wide variety of foods that are healthy. Here are some important tips for following the diabetic diet.

Foods with a low glycemic rating are often recommended for diabetics. Foods with a low GI rating don't cause a huge spike in your blood sugar levels. What you want to avoid is an unstable situation with your blood sugar.

There is a link between obesity and excessive consumption of foods with a high GI rating. It's dangerous to be obese and diabetic. It can be difficult to manage the serious risks that can be caused by excess weight. Type 2 diabetes is definitely a concern that you must take seriously. Type 2 diabetics, research has shown, will benefit from a high fiber diet. It is possible to achieve positive results for blood sugar as well as cholesterol levels with this approach. Maintaining the proper levels of cereals and fruit in your daily diet is still recommended. Rich sources of vitamins, minerals, and healthy nutrients come from these foods. Be sure to ask your dietician, or physician, about this approach with the high fiber diet. The key is to not ingest an excessive amount of carbohydrates every day.

Another important element of the diabetic diet is watching your fat consumption. You could be unknowingly contributing to your risk of other serious conditions if you don't watch your fat consumption.

As you may know, diabetics have a higher risk of heart disease and strokes. It's critical for you to maintain a healthy blood pressure and range of cholesterol. Your body does need fat to function properly, but the best ones to consume are the essential fatty acids like Omega-3's.

If you have any type of diabetes, it's crucial to follow a healthy and appropriate diet. It takes perseverance to stick to any diet, but you have to make every effort if you want to feel your best. Your diet can be flexible enough to permit foods that aren't ideal but that you don't want to give up. But remember to do so in careful moderation, and always ask your doctor about what you can eat that otherwise may not be recommended. Your main concern with diabetes is keeping your blood sugar levels healthy, so always keep this in mind.

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How to Deal With Your Diet In Case of Having Diabetes

By Helen Brown

Your diet is of particular importance if you have diabetes, so be sure you've collected all the essential facts. A common myth about diabetics is that any foods with sugar or carbs is strictly off limits for them. The idea is that you're confined to a rigid all protein diet that has little variety of flavor. The fact is, you can have much more diversity than this, though your own doctor has to guide you of course. You do have to carefully watch your blood sugar level and keep it within a safe range. You may be able to eat a relatively normal diet as long as you're moderate about everything. We have some diabetic diet facts for you that you perhaps did not know.

Diabetics are often advised to eat foods with a low glycemic rating. Foods with a low rating on the glycemic index won't cause your blood sugar levels to spike. You want to avoid unstable blood sugar levels.

There is also a correlation between excessive consumption of high GI rated foods and obesity. It's dangerous to be obese and diabetic. Excess weight will cause other serious risks that will only be much more difficult to manage.

The best person to design your diet plan, of course, is your doctor, who knows your specific condition. The crucial thing is for you to take it seriously. Avoid the temptation to stray from the recommended foods as well as the suggested serving sizes. If you have Type 2 diabetes, then you really have to avoid as much excess fat as possible. The danger with Type 2 diabetes is your fat helps to provide less sensitivity to insulin. Weight control is also important for reducing the chances of developing heart disease.

Gestational diabetes is a condition that affects some pregnant women, and in these cases it's essential to follow the right diet. You have to make sure you eat frequently when you have this condition, while also eating healthy foods. Forgetting meals can have dangerous consequences in such cases. Skipping meals in this state can result in dangerous complications, so you have to stay alert. You can make this simpler by setting a timetable for all your meals and sticking to it.

You can still remain active if you have diabetes. Even professional athletes have this condition and they still perform well. The diabetic diet plays an important role over time. That is one of your greatest weapons, in addition to medical prescriptions, to maintain a normal and active lifestyle. Watching what you eat and exercising regularly will help you stay on the right track.

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Fighting High Cholesterol

By Owen Jones

Cholesterol can be highly dangerous. Not in lesser quantities and not even all cholesterol, because there are two types. One is good for you, because it helps mop up the other one which is damaging for you in substantial quantities. HDL cholesterol is termed the good cholesterol and LDL the bad cholesterol, although we require some LDL in order to regulate some of our bodily functions

Too much LDL in our blood streams can cause congestion which in turn would lead to higher blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes. So what can you do about it? There are three prongs you can use to combat cholesterol: diet, exercise and medication. Some people do not want to be on tablets each day for life, but some do not object.

So, the first thing to do is get into the habit of exercising each day. The minimum exercise you have to be doing is strolling for thirty minutes every morning and each evening. You may think that you do not have an hour a day to give up, but you probably do.

If you have a lunch break, what do you do in it? Eat? Read the paper? Have a talk? OK, why not choose a greengrocer's that is fifteen minutes walk away and go and buy an apple each day? In the evening, you could go for a walk with your spouse or your dog. In that fashion, you have just thirty minutes to find in order to stay healthy.

How can food lower your cholesterol? Well, there is cholesterol in almost everything we eat, so it is a question of remembering which type of cholesterol is in which food and being selective. In general, this requires avoiding food that is high in saturated fats and trans or hydrogenated fats and eating more food that has mono- or poly-unsaturated fats.

This is not as difficult as it sounds anything you purchase in a tin or a tub will or should have the sorts of fat written in the contents list. You will merely have to learn which fresh food is good for you. In essence, red meat and dairy products are not particularly healthy for you. Try swapping skinless chicken and fish for beef and pork. Drink skimmed milk, if you have to drink milk and give up butter.

In fact, some margarines have been specially made to reduce cholesterol and, yes, they do work, it is not a scam. It is often said that liver and eggs are high in cholesterol, but according to the British Heart Foundation, our bodies cannot access this cholesterol, so it is OK to include them in a low cholesterol diet.

Fresh fruit and vegetables are the real friends in the battle against high cholesterol. Bananas are particularly good and so are citrus fruits. Nuts are also healthy for you and in particular almonds and walnuts. Tofu and other soya bean foodstuffs are beneficial and will even lower cholesterol.

Roughage and fibre are very useful for lowering cholesterol and one of the best meals you can have is a dish of porridge in the morning for breakfast.

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Knowing What The Symptoms Of Pre-Diabetes Are

By Sue Kennedy

Knowing what the symptoms of pre-diabetes are is understanding that they are virtually undetectable, this means that there are no real physical symptoms known. If you have a family history of diabetes, suffer from insulin resistance, or you are obese, then you are at a higher risk of developing diabetes. The most common way of diagnosis is through a blood test.

A major cause of pre-diabetes is insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is caused by an imbalance in your glucose as well as your insulin levels in your blood stream. By not eating a healthy diet, getting enough exercise, or being overweight are some of the main reasons this happens.

If you want to lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and avoid the complications of this disease you will need to change your lifestyle by adding a healthy nutritious diet and regular exercise. It is possible to treat and reverse pre-diabetes by implementing these vital steps.

The development of pre-diabetes is caused by glucose. The two main sources of glucose are from the food that you eat and from your liver. Your liver is where glucose is stored, so when your levels become low, this is when your liver releases glucose into your bloodstream to maintain normal glucose levels.

When you have pre-diabetes, glucose builds up in your bloodstream when it should be going into your cells. This problem occurs when your cells are resistant to what the insulin is trying to achieve. This will happen if you're overweight or you have too many fatty tissues in your system.

The symptoms of pre-diabetes are hard to detect, but there are some that you should be aware of and these include:

* Excessive thirst

* Frequent urination

* Blurred vision

* Gaining weight

* Wounds that heal slowly

* Always hungry

* Sudden weight loss

* Numbness or tingling in your hands and feet

* Infections that keep coming back

If you think that you have pre-diabetes it is important that you consult your doctor immediately so that you can take action and begin to manage your symptoms. Please remember that if you have pre-diabetes you are at a higher risk of getting high blood pressure as well as high cholesterol levels, these symptoms can be very dangerous if not treated properly.

A healthy nutritious diet will help your insulin produce normally, which in turn allows your blood pressure and cholesterol levels to maintain normal levels. So if you do have pre-diabetes, it is essential that your control your weight.

The symptoms of pre-diabetes is essential to understand so that you can take control of your situation effectively so that you can avoid the development of type 2 diabetes and achieve optimum health.

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Monday, April 25, 2011

Bupa looks to the future with new study

By Cornelius Phelps

Bupa have published a new report entitled How Are you Britain? which looks at the state of the nation's health. They also asked future parents about how they expect to regulate their children's wellbeing.

The number of children aged 2-16 is expected to rise from the current figure of 10.8 million to 11.6 million by 2021. Bupa collected data from 1,081 16 - 30-year-olds who hope to start a family and compared it with data from 1,012 existing parents children aged 16 and under. According to the study, we can expect to see the next generation of children spending more time outdoors and eating more healthily.

At present, 71% of existing parents don't let their children eat junk food. By contrast, 96% of future parents said they wouldn't allow junk food. Today's children spend 165 minutes per day watching TV or playing video game. The future parents' average target was 141 minutes (the recommended maximum is 120 minutes). The study also suggests that 2.5 million more children will cycle or walk to school, and that 4 million more children will participate in regular sports activities in future. By and large, time spend watching TV was more of a concern for future mothers, and time spent on sport was more of an issue for future fathers.

Bianca Parau, who is a senior paediatric dietitian at Bupa Cromwell Hospital, welcomed the study's findings. She pointed out that childhood obesity is becoming increasingly prevalent at the moment, which means a heightened risk of illnesses including diabetes and heart disease in later life.

She acknowledged that parents' best intentions don't always fully materialise when they're confronted with the challenges of the real world, but said that future parents had the right attitude, and said this should be treated as a positive sign.

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Dr Atkins Diet Products

By Owen Jones

Following a diet is never easy, especially to begin with, and to tell the truth just because you're going to do the Atkins Diet, it doesn't mean that it will get any easier either. Sure, you can eat almost unlimited quantity of high fat and high protein foods, but you're still following a diet and you still need to limit your food consumption.

For one thing, you will need to control your carb intake especially in the first phase of your diet, and although you are allowed to increase that incrementally later on in the diet, you can still be missing your favourite carbs, like bread or chocolate, and might still be prone to these cravings. And that's where some of the Atkins products can help.

Having tasted some of these Atkins products myself, I have to mention that I think them to be worth the money. They're by no means cheap but then again, nor are they so expensive that you'll only be able to afford one item and go hungry for the rest of the time, which might, in its own way help that you lose weight!

However, you'll be glad to know that there's a range of Atkins products for you to choose from that can help satisfy even your strongest food cravings and as an added benefit, as I said earlier, they taste great as well. But if that isn't enough for you, you'll be happy to hear that they can also assuage your sugar cravings too, as well as being good for you and filling you up!

So, what Atkins products can you get? Well, they cover a wide range of food, so it really depends on what stage of the diet you're on and what you crave. If it's breakfast bars, you've got the 'Morning Start Breakfast Bars' which are high in protein and fiber and also have the necessary amount of calcium you'll need as well. Then you'll come across my own personal favourite, the 'Peanut Butter Granola Bar', made with crunchy goodness and peanut butter.

Then again if you truly crave something from your diet, you could always try one of the Atkins products which feature different flavours, say the milk shakes. For example, if you miss chocolate, you could try an Atkins Chocolate Milk Shake. Let's be honest, where would you be without milk shakes? Probably in the same place you'd be without your 'Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars'.

Have I said enough to sharpen your appetite? Now, do you believe that can stick to your diet with any of these Atkins products sitting on your shelves with only a minimum of groaning?

So, now you have it, what are you waiting for? Go and get your Atkins products now. There's only so much will power a person has and the better prepared you are the easier it will be to adhere to your diet and the quicker you can lose that unwanted weight.

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Will future parents have healthier children?

By Cornelius Phelps

How Are you Britain? That's the question asked by Bupa in a new report they have published. The report gives an insight into the nation's wellbeing, and paints a picture of how the next generation of youngsters will live.

At the moment, there are 10.8 million children in Britain aged 2-16. By 2021, this is expected to rise to 11.6 million. Taking data from 1,081 people aged 16 to 30 who hope to start a family and comparing it with 1,012 existing parents with children under 16, the study found that the next generation of parents want their children to spend more time outside and eat a better diet.

71% of current parents said they don't let their children eat junk food, whilst 96% of future parents said junk food would be off-limits for their kids. At present, children spend an average of 165 minutes per day watching TV or playing video games, whilst the average target figure for future parents was 141 minutes (which is still 20 minutes over the recommended amount). The study also suggests that 2.5 million more children will walk or cycle to school, and that 4 million more children will take part in regular sports activities in future. In most cases, future mothers were more worried about time spent watching TV, and future fathers were more focused on increasing the time spent on sport.

The study's findings were welcomed by Bianca Parau (a senior paediatric dietitian at Bupa Cromwell Hospital). She pointed out that, due to the increasing prevalence of childhood obesity, many youngsters currently have a heightened risk of illnesses like diabetes and heart disease when they get older.

She acknowledged that parents' best intentions don't always fully materialise when they're confronted with the challenges of the real world, but said that future parents had the right attitude, and said this should be treated as a positive sign.

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Atkins Plan

By Owen Jones

You have decided you need to lose some weight and that you're going on a diet and you've told yourself that this will be the last diet that you'll ever do. This is because you've already heard so much about the Atkins Diet, that you have total confidence in its ability to help you lose weight and to keep it off. You also know that with the assistance of the Atkins diet plan, you can tailor your diet to suit your body and your personal tastes.

When you start your diet, you'll receive an Atkins diet plan that will get you going on the first part of your dieting journey. This is phase one, called the induction phase, of the four phases which you will go through. So, what you're actually getting with the Atkins diet plan is a comprehensive way for you to choose the path you take on your diet and how long it will take you to shed the amount of weight you want to.

Although, you don't have follow the Atkins diet plan religiously, if you really want fast results, you will follow it religiously. So, abstain from the carbs and eat your high fat, high protein meals. Well, you won't need to stay away from carbs entirely, you'll just need to make yours a low carb diet instead of the high carb diet you've been following so unthinkingly all of your life so far.

However, by following the Atkins diet plan and all but cutting out carbohydrates from your diet, you reduce the possibility of your diet failing. After all, this time you've made up your mind that this is going to be your last diet and that you're going to ensure it works, so it really is no use tempting fate and veering off course from your Atkins diet plan.

Remember that the whole diet is adaptable to suit you, and to help you make your dieting restrictions easier to bear. With that in mind, also remember that you can also eat at least 20 carbs on the Atkins diet plan, but you will have a virtually unlimited range of proteins and fats available to you. So, you don't have to be afraid that your diet is going to cost you the pleasures of eating well.

On the Atkins diet plan, you'll find out that you can eat well without noticing the loss of your carbs very much. And even though you might think that cooking and planning meals will be difficult, if you have to stay within the restrictions of the Atkins diet plan, you'll be pleasantly relieved to realize that it is just not true.

There are many fantastic foods and meal plans available on the Atkins diet plan and if you can just finish reading your Atkins diet plan, you'll find that you really can get through this diet easily with hardly any sacrifice on your behalf. That's what I call a diet to end all diets! And isn't that just what you were looking for anyway?

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What it Takes to Being Healthy

By Amanda Gamdana

Do you really want to continue living your live as unhealthily as you are today? By using natural health techniques that have almost been lost over time it is possible to improve our overall health and efficiency by using natural products which do not upset our body's equilibrium. There is nothing strange in this philosophy as it is just based on prevention of illness and disease instead of trying to cure it at a later stage.

You need to understand that if you want to be part of the natural health community, then you must be dedicated to making your life and especially your body healthy. Wanting to look after your body does not mean you should be institutionalized even though it does seem to be an alien concept these days. Everything is considered when planning to improve your health with natural methods; things like your work and living environment, social structure and even physical location.

The best place to learn more about natural methods of staying healthy it is best to carry out some research whether on the internet where you will find many websites or to invest in a book. If you are looking at this as something that is just a passing phase that suits at the time; it is best that you do not get involved as it requires a commitment on your part to believe that looking after your health is important. Like any mechanism, our bodies require quality nutrients and not the rubbish that we consume in an effort to save time.

For those of you that this scenario relates to then either start eating better or start looking into what supplements you need to start taking to make up the deficiency your current diet is causing. When you realize just how you are treating your body you will begin to understand that a whole lot of options are open to you. Perhaps now you can understand why it is important to learn more about this before you attempt to change the habits you have had for a long time.

The biggest stepping stone you will face is making changes that incorporate many natural aspects that will be unfamiliar to your current lifestyle. A healthy person will have more energy, stamina and a zest for life that is almost infectious, something we should all aspire too. If you truly want to succeed in this path it will require a commitment you may not have shown in any other part of your life previously but being healthy is your choice.

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Becoming a Vegetarian Review

By Amanda Gamdana

Before anyone makes the decision to become a vegetarian, they often question whether it will make any difference. Although people considering this will ask what difference will one person make? Ok, so one person won't change things much but many individuals who think the same way can make a difference and even one person can help.

Although a single person's sacrifice may be small, you have to multiply that by many millions around the world. One argument for making this change are the benefits it has on your health and the problems that an excess of meat causes, like heart disease; this is the most common reason for death in America and other big meat eating nations.

Circulatory, heart problems, high cholesterol and heart attacks are primarily caused by the regular consumption of dairy products, eggs and meat; a reduction in this consumption would lower these health problems.

The organization Earth Save has calculated that a vegetarian has only a quarter of the chance of a heart attack as someone who has meat in their diet. On the other hand the numbers of heart attacks in vegans are an astonishing 10 times less than those of people that eat meat. A healthy heart is not the only 'health benefit' to becoming a vegetarian as there are other reasons too.

Meat contains a number of preservatives which have links with cancer, something which is dramatically reduced when you do not eat meat. As a vegetarian you won't be exposed to various hormones (that are packed into animal feed), which often disrupt normal hormonal processes in the body.

It is also much easier to avoid the consumption of lactose which many people have intolerance to, causing digestive conditions. n addition to health benefits you will receive as an individual by becoming a vegetarian, you will also reduce your share of the suffering human beings inflict on animals.

The organization Vegan Out-Reach claims that the number of animals killed to feed the average American citizen during their life is in excess of two thousand seven hundred. If you quit eating meat now, you could literally prevent the suffering and death of hundreds of animals over the course of a couple decades.

So the answer is yes, it does matter whether or not you become a vegetarian. The reduction in animal life lost and the improvement in your health should be convincing enough.

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Mineral Vitamin Supplements Review

By Amanda Gamdana

What is very contradictory is that most mineral supplements today are made with chemicals and not from natural sources. There is a great demand for these supplements though as many more are now taking them. The main reason for this is the amount of debate that relates to whether or not the chemical mineral vitamins are harmful instead of beneficial within the long term.

The fact is that chemical mineral vitamin supplements are not as easily absorbed as normal food particles a mineral vitamin supplements are. More and more research is going into creating products that are friendlier to the body and hence more beneficial.

Every once in a while, the industry comes up with a form of a mineral or vitamin that is considered to be more bio-available. One of the measures that have been taken to overcome the problem is to combine other bio-friendly elements in the chemical vitamins so as to enhance the absorption capacity of the body. or examples, iron gluconate is something that is better absorbed by the body than plain iron.

The proportion of the nutrients in the vitamin supplement should be relatively higher that it would be found in natural form and only when the proportion is high the body will be able to assimilate the quantity that is really necessary for the body. Obviously, this can lead to a much bigger problem where the toxic level of a certain nutrient is being consumed by very large doses which are needed. This is why it is better to be prudent and not take everything that you see advertised or hear about from others, but be advised by a health professional. The mineral vitamin supplement industry is constantly improving and developing forming new combinations that will really work.

Manufacturers have developed one method in order to help aid in the absorption through culturing all of the raw materials and this can be done with yeast cells. This form of supplements are known as 'food state' and are up to four times easier for the body to absorb the required nutrients as the yeast is completely digested.

Of course, the need for mineral vitamin supplements depends on the diet that each person has. There isn't any doubt that this is a lot more preferable for an individual to obtain all of the nutrients that they require from the food that they eat instead of taking the supplements whenever they find it possible. Supplements should be seen as temporary and not permanent as there are times when your body might need extra nutrients to stay healthy.

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Why Does a Bad Diet Affect Your Hypertension and Cholesterol

By Amanda Gamdana

While numerous people do not recognize this, hypertension and high cholesterol have been discovered to be linked to one another. There are numerous problems that can be caused by hypertension that had their beginnings in some other issue. For instance, high cholesterol levels can result in high blood pressure, which in turn may result in heart attacks, stroke or a great many other troubles such as an arterial blood vessel disease.

The U.S. is just one place that the problem is worsening as people live such underactive lifestyles, which is growing more common everyday in the diagnosis of hypertension, artery and cardiac conditions and a variety of other debilitating conditions. Truthfully, individuals eat far more than they ought to, they eat the wrong foods and don't exercise to keep their weight down. When you suffer with hypertension your heart literally works itself to destruction and cholesterol is one of the causes of hypertension. When the LDL cholesterol is advanced and the HDL cholesterol is low you are in peril of acquiring heart condition.

The continual elevated heart rate makes it work too hard over a prolonged period and in the end it will just stop working. What comes about when an individual has a heart attack is that fundamentally the heart has been worked to hard, to the level that it cannot function any more. The liver produces cholesterol so if you are lending to that with the foodstuffs you consume, the cholesterol levels will become extremely high. This can lead to heart disease when the arterial blood vessels grow impeded with calcium, cholesterol and fatty acids which in turn results in the arteries becoming tinier, so the heart works harder to pump the blood through.

There are also other causes of high blood pressure though for instance: diabetes, cancerous tumors, kidney disease but sodium, genetics, caffeine, alcohol and being overweight are all contributory elements. Stress is another cause of high blood pressure, nonetheless, the most usual reason is hypertension and high cholesterol when the diagnosing of other long-term illness is not diagnosed.

Observing a good cholesterol level is not as challenging as you might believe if you eat healthy and exercise on a regular basis - these are the main methods to reduce cholesterol levels. This is an superb tradeoff when you study the benefits of remaining healthy and keeping from developing hypertension which in turn will lead to other troubles.

You cannot entirely take cholesterol out of the scene because it is essential for your cells to function in the proper means. The key to managing cholesterol is to not to take to much of it and sustain the levels within a natural range, so consuming fast food all the time will raise cholesterol levels.

In addition to eating vegetables, fruits, grains and foods with low sodium levels, leave those with high fat. The thought is long term habits which will stop you from getting hypertension and high cholesterol in addition to better your health, so all you need to do is watch your diet and do some type of workout about 4 times each week.

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Guidelines on Being a Vegetarian

By Amanda Gamdana

Being a vegetarian is still something of a conversation killer even in today's health conscious society. You can expect many uninformed skeptical comments from friends and relatives if you intend to become a vegetarian whether it is for economic, religious, animal or health reasons. It may be that you have decided purely for health reasons to become a vegetarian. It is unfortunate that while a healthy diet, there are certain nutrients that can only be obtained from animal produce.

Children often benefit from a vegetarian diet because many animal products contain preservatives and hormones and this limits their exposure. You would be wise to carry out some research before placing your child on a vegetarian diet to ensure they receive a suitably nutritious intake.

A vegetarians diet with involves regular servings of fruit, vegetables and whole grains is known to be healthy. This type of diet would help address many of the health concerns which surround obesity because it helps eliminate excess amounts of protein and animal fats found in the standard diet. Other health advantages of a vegetarian diet are that it is normally low in cholesterol and fat.

A high fiber vegetarian diet doesn't stay as long in your digestive system and nor does it take as long to produce in comparison to growing meat. In our distant past, people hardly ever ate meat, if at all, so being a vegetarian would be our normal state. If you are in a restaurant though it is worth checking exactly what their vegetarian option contains as there are different definitions to what vegetarian is, even today!

Interesting facts relating to the vegetarian diet have been found after research. Scientific studies carried out on the effects that meat has on people has caused increasing numbers to become vegetarian. There is also, for instance, a 50% less chance that a vegetarian will develop heart disease. We also know now from studies that many people have been vegetarian at some point in there life.

It is in America today where the health benefits of being a vegetarian would be most keenly noticed. Eating meat is quite normal and enjoyable to many people so you can understand the difficulty there is in converting people to a vegetarian diet. However, if you decide to change your life and improve your health situation, it must be for the right reason and if you only consider a vegetarian diet to be a meat replacement, you will be disappointed.

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

What the size of a child's wrist tells you about their health

By Zeus Spencer

As the number of people being diagnosed with diabetes continues to increase, research into ways of predicting, diagnosing and treating the condition is becoming increasingly important. A new study published in the journal Circulation suggests that the wrist size of overweight children may provide an early indication of the risk of an individual developing diabetes or heart disease in later life.

The study, carried out by researchers at the Sapienza University in Rome, took data from a sample of 477 children (average age 10) who were either overweight or obese. They reported finding a strong link between the circumference of the wrist bone and insulin resistance - a key risk factor for both heart disease and diabetes. They discovered that 12% of variations in levels of insulin resistance and blood insulin between children corresponded with variations in wrist circumference.

Insulin resistance describes a situation where the body is incapable of using insulin to break down blood sugar in an efficient manner. Higher than normal insulin levels also indicate that an individual is likely to develop insulin resistance in the future.

Prof. Raffaella Buzzetti led an Italian research team that used a combination of technology and basic equipment to perform their tests. To begin with, they used a basic tape measure, and then used a scanning procedure to reveal that the amount of bone in the wrist explained 17% of the variations they found. They also found that 12% of variations in levels of insulin resistance and blood insulin across the sample group tallied with differences in wrist circumference. They concluded that children with larger wrists have a higher chance of suffering from underlying health problems.

At the moment, this is only one study, and its findings haven't been corroborated by any other researchers. If, however, future studies confirm the efficacy of measuring wrist circumference when assessing the health of overweight children, this could become a valuable means of predicting insulin resistance and risk of cardiovascular disease.

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Pull Ups Aren't So Hard If You Modify Them

By Sam Stevens

Having trouble getting that very first pull up? It is actually a very difficult task, and you you might be surprised how easy it is to modify a pull up, and eventually do one unassisted. This well-liked training, which improves your overall cardiovascular health and wellbeing, is utilized with the the military, Crossfit exercise and workout routines, gymnastics, to name a few. Simply consider the overall fitness level of those groups.

Well you don't have to call a recruiter or join a gymnastics class to see the same results. The pull up is known due to its ability to develop your back muscle groups and enhance your upper body strength. As it is fairly hard for beginners, we are here to provide modifications that will help you to reach your goal.

For starters, you can employ resistance bands. They are thought very effective since you are able to utilize the the very same muscles, however the bands aid some of your whole body weight in an effort to complete the training. Resistance are frequently color-coded in a set, therefore you will be able to gradually reduce your level of support without having to run out to buy more sports equipment.

Another effective way to begin making strides towards to a complete pull up is to execute a jumping pull up. This really is done by grasping the pull up bar and jumping up. Repeat this up to the point you are sufficiently strong to accept the difficulty of the real pull up.

Lastly, you can connect gymnastics rings to the bar, or even the TRX. After you attach the rings securely on the bar, lean back holding yourself with the rings at an incline. Next you bring your body forwards while you are pulling your hands downwards in a rowing movement.

Without a doubt there are lots of customizations for the old-fashioned pull up, but these typical ones are recognized to get you prepared the real deal! With dedication, you will be able todo it in no time. Once you are able to get the initial pull-up, the rest will be history.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Just Some Diabetic Diet Guidelines

By Amanda Maseko

With the right recipes, even if you have diabetes, it does not mean you cannot enjoy good food, it just means that there are a few limits. Being in control of your diet is a good thing whether you have diabetes or not, and it can reduce the risk of you contracting it, but as most diabetics know, it is a good way to help improve the symptoms if you do. However, if you do have to live with diabetes then you need to sort out your diabetic diet plan.

Weight is generally a problem when you are a diabetic and the goal is to get that weight off and keep it off. Another important thing to remember is to eat a healthily from all four food groups and keeping to you diabetic diet.

Heart disease and strokes are two complications often associated with diabetes but the risk of these can be reduced if the sufferer sticks to a healthy diabetic diet. The diabetic diet plan is low-fat and has been created to help with the problems associated with diabetes such as fatigue, blurred vision and thirst, it should also help increase energy levels.

A healthy eating plan incorporates a wide range of foods including, lean meat, poultry, fish, vegetables, fruit, whole grains, non-fat dairy products and beans. A low-carb option may be something you are restricted to where foods such as meat, poultry, fish, cheese, eggs are ok and certain vegetables like kidney beans, carrots and avocados for instance. The diabetic diet has been designed to reduce the amount of saturated fat and cholesterol you consume and ensure that your poultry is skinless as well as eating fresh fruit and vegetables.

Weighing your food when you're on a diabetic diet is as important as the foods you consume so you receive the correct amount of calories. Also check the food labels when you shop because they contain useful information and daily intake amounts which are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

For example, your breakfast on 2,000 calorie diabetic diet might consist of something like this, a cup of skimmed milk or sugar free yoghurt, a couple of slices of bread, rice cakes or pasta if you prefer, an egg prepared your favorite way and a serving of fruit. A breakfast on a 1,800 calorie diabetic diet would look something like this; a cup of skimmed milk with two slices of bread a serving of fruit (apple, banana or orange) and a tablespoon of cheese.

With your balanced diet you would be able to have an afternoon snack which could be some fruit and a couple of crackers washed down with a half cup of tea or coffee but only with artificial sweeteners. An alternative to this would be a cup of milk or yogurt in place of the tea. There is no reason for you to believe that you can no longer enjoy your food if you're restricted to a diabetic diet, there is plenty of variety if you know you plan and use your imagination.

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Flavored Water And Flavor Drops Is A Wise Choice For Health Conscious Consumers

By George Napoli

So you ask yourself, how can flavored water be a smart health choice? Then the question turns to what is stevia and what does it have to do with smart healthy choices anyway? Let's start with flavored water and we will conclude with the benefits of stevia.

When you mix flavored water with stevia natural sweetener to enhance the flavoring, you get no carbs, no calorie beverage. Natural flavored waters with these qualities are a smart healthy selection for these reasons: 1. If you like the taste of water, you will automatically consumer more of it naturally and that's great for hydration. 2. No carbs and no calories means this beverage is great for weight loss and diabetics. 3. Using natural stevia sweetener means nothing artificial and that means no increases in insulin levels.

"Quench thirst with H2O." That's what Chicago's Time Out Magazine reports in their July 23-29 article. They claim that "71% of us said water is your favorite summer time thirst drink." When it comes to thirst quenching, there is nothing better than water. And just like the second piece of cake isn't as good as the first, neither is the second glass of water.

Water is the primary ingredient in flavored water so it naturally hydrates you. Trouble with staying properly hydrated is: H2O gets boring and sometimes just don't want another glass and usually reach for high caloric beverages, like juices and soda or coffee and teas. Many of these drinks are loaded with (HFCS) high fructose corn syrups and are more like sugar water. Teas and coffees dehydrate us even though they are made with water.

Here are the results from consuming typical drinks that have empty calories: 1. Typical person consumes 450 calories a day. 2. That's twenty nine pounds annually in extra weight gain. 3. That's just extra calories you consume in beverages and that you have to live with by choosing to add weight or work it off.

Making water taste better is what flavored water is all about. Hydration or re-hydration is the real value of drinking flavored water. Calorie free and carb free features add to the health choice decision as a low cost alternative to typical beverages.

Flavored water is priced at different levels, from pennies a serving to upscale price points. Flavored concentrates used to flavor water are pennies a serving and are easy to carry and use anytime, anywhere. Match the right price point with the right calorie selection for your perfect flavored water and health drink choice.

Using natural flavorings and natural stevia sweetener blends the best flavored waters. Always pick natural flavored water with no carbs and no calories. You can also mix your own flavored waters by using flavoring concentrates and flavor drops.

You can locate quite a few health retailers and nutrition clinics that offer these products for weight loss and diabetics. You can also find them on the internet searching keywords: flavored water, flavoring concentrates, flavor drops. Where ever you purchase them, buy your no carb, no calorie flavored waters you should know it's the right health selection for you in the long term.

George Napoli is the publisher of this article and CEO of yumdropsflavoring.com and has researched the benefits of flavored water and stevia for over 5 years. Their natural flavor drops make perfect flavored water for weight loss and diabetics.

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Quick And Easy Vegetarian Recipes

By Sandra Vichy

There is no way around the fact that we must eat in order to survive. Survival does not mean our dishes can not be good tasting. Many individuals think they must have meat, on a day to day basis, or they will starve. Vegetarian recipes you might fancy, are listed below, and they will not let you go hungry.

There are a few misconceptions from people who do not practice this lifestyle. One is that you are not allowed to eat anything that comes from animals such as eggs, milk, honey, and cheese. This is simply not the case. The idea is to stay away from killing an animal and partaking of its flesh.

Soup, or stew, is some of the best eating of which a person can be part. Any vitamins which may be cooked out go directly in the liquid. How savory that broth becomes when it is allowed to simmer and gather all those little goodies! Carrots, corn, broccoli, onions, garlic, potatoes, peas, and tomatoes make for a flavorful concoction. Add water, black pepper, sage, tarragon, rosemary, bay leaves, and thyme, and you are in for a treat.

Fajitas, are another favorite, which do not take up much time. Purchase ready made tortillas, and find what you plan to put in them. Bell peppers, onions, bamboo shoots, and water chestnuts are prime selections, and have wonderful characters which will tantalize your palate. Cut them in long strips, cook in a bit of olive oil, and in a matter of minutes, you are ready to eat.

Everyone likes to think that cheeses are the enemy of people who engage in this manner of living. This is a complete mistake. Cottage, Colby, Swiss, Parmesan, and Mozzarella cheeses are delectable and good choices to add to any of your menus. Many farms produce these without chemicals, or any animal organisms. Free range cattle, and chickens, eat only the best of plants, and their products are good for your health.

All of the above mentioned menus are inexpensive, and can be made in less than an hour. The longest chore will be chopping the vegetables. Each dish is good for your body, and great for your chosen way of life. Try some foods from other countries and involve them in your cuisine. The more versatile your palate, the more delicious your cuisine will be.

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Granuloma Annulare Diabetes Skin Disorders

By Amanda Maseko

The metabolic disorder that does not allow processed food to be converted into energy or growth properly is called diabetes. Our bodies use glucose, a form of sugar which our digestive system has broken down from the food we eat, which is then transported around the body via the bloodstream. Diabetes causes problems with the distribution of glucose in the bloodstream. The health risks are the direct result of a build up of glucose in the blood instead of it being carried around the body for the cells to have energy.

This subject has comprehensive information available on other sites and the information about the condition in this article has been made short to enable easy and quick understanding. Mainly affecting children and young adults, type 1 or juvenile onset diabetes occurs when insulin production stops completely; this can occur at any age but diabetics must take daily insulin injections in order to survive.

The body uses insulin to ensure the glucose can be used by the body which in turn converts into energy. Adult onset diabetes affects older people as the name suggests but differs from type one; the body is still producing insulin but there is a problem with its production or use, but fortunately this type can be treated with a special diet.

Good diabetes care and management can prevent or delay the onset of these complications; some of the possible conditions will be halted completely whilst others will be delayed. Managing your condition means you must take control of certain areas of your life by ensuring you take your medication regularly; this means maintaining the correct level of blood sugar, cholesterol and blood fat along with giving up cigarettes.

Stable weight is also a requirement that will help ensure your blood pressure is maintained at a health level. Diabetes is a life long condition if you are unlucky enough to contract it; in America there are more than five and a half million recognized sufferers.

The frightening thing is that it is estimated that at least the same number of people has this condition but just don't know it yet; over 600,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. The number of Americans who have diabetes and die each year is approximately 320,000 but only 34,000 die as a direct result of having the condition.

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Let's Take Care Of Our Bodies And Keep Healthy

By Amanda Gamdana

The least you can do for your body is to look after it after all it does for you. By using natural health techniques that have almost been lost over time it is possible to improve our overall health and efficiency by using natural products which do not upset our body's equilibrium. There is no reason why we should always wait for something bad to happen when in most circumstances we can prevent it by adopting certain ways.

You need to understand that if you want to be part of the natural health community, then you must be dedicated to making your life and especially your body healthy. As much as many people would have you believe otherwise, natural health is not something that is a cult or something that should be ridiculed. Looking after your body naturally requires a number of factors be considered including where you live and work.

This article cannot possibly give all the facts so a certain responsibility lies with you to continue learning more about it through books or on the multitude of websites dedicated to natural health. If you are looking at this as something that is just a passing phase that suits at the time; it is best that you do not get involved as it requires a commitment on your part to believe that looking after your health is important. You can guarantee that although it may take a little while, once you have stopped eating a diet based exclusively on junk that you will slowly begin to feel much better.

To make this happen you will need to do a little more than just alter the type of diet you currently exist on but learn about the foods that contain the nutrients it needs to be healthy. There are many options available but you must first realize just what harm you are doing to yourself. That is why you will need to do research that will help you in your aim of living the natural health way.

The biggest stepping stone you will face is making changes that incorporate many natural aspects that will be unfamiliar to your current lifestyle. A healthy person will have more energy, stamina and a zest for life that is almost infectious, something we should all aspire too. If you truly want to succeed in this path it will require a commitment you may not have shown in any other part of your life previously but being healthy is your choice.

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The Meaning Behind Health Care

By Amanda Gamdana

The term health-care is the provision of medical services plus the general prevention and management of illness using professional medical resources. The World Health Organizations definition is a little different and refers more to the prevention of illness and services to promote this, in addition to treatment that should be available to a single person as well as a whole population. Any collective group of medical professionals and facilities dedicated to providing this would be termed a healthcare system.

Early on before the phrase healthcare was popular, the English speaking countries called it just plain medicine or more usually the health sector but it still meant the provision of a health service to treat and cure sickness and disease. In most developed countries and many developing countries health care is provided to everyone regardless of their ability to pay. It was the United Kingdom that pioneered the first population based healthcare system back in 1948 called The National Health Service run by each successive administration.

A system second to this, according to The WHO is the one initiated in Italy where a compulsory system of insurance which the government funds, but at a relatively low cost per individual, is used. Other examples are Medicare in Australia, established in the 1970s by the Labor administration, and by the same name Medicare in Canada, established between 19.6 and 1984.

General health care contrasts to the systems like health care in America or South Africa, though South Africa is one of the many nations attempting health care reform. The health care industry is considered a profession which makes use of the skills of professional healthcare workers who provide a service related to the preservation or improvement of the health of people who are injured, sick, disabled, or infirm.

Over a relatively short period of time, the healthcare industry has become one of the fastest expanding in the world with an average growth rate of just over 10 percent of the gross domestic product of many developed nations and is still growing, playing a huge role in the domestic economies of most nations. America has seen some of the largest rises and the figures in 2006 are expected to be the same as 2003 with over 15 percent of GDP - it is presently the biggest in the world but the increase by 2016 is expected to be almost 20 percent.

In America there are 180 million Americans who want healthcare and a recent study showed that it was the number one concern of those seeking employment. The costs of health care in The United States have risen so much that General Motors had looked at filing bankruptcy due to the increasing healthcare costs dragging down its auto manufacturing division. Luckily it didn't happen after some concessions and compromises made with the unions but it does show how something like this can have an outcome on even the biggest of companies.

The American healthcare system costs a great deal to employers but it is the number one thing that potential workers look for in an employer and has seen many changes in how people view working for any given company. The health of the individuals on this planet should be something that is based on prevention rather than cure, a case of being hands-on as apposed to reactive.

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Monday, April 18, 2011

Diabetic Living And Diet Tips For Sugar Free Beverages

By George Napoli

Drinking water is still the most effective calorie-free beverage, and any time it comes from the tap, it barely costs pennies for every glass. But for some people, ordinary old normal water may well be just too dull. Sugar free refreshments are an excellent selection to tap water.

The following are some ideas for sugar free drinks that you can make easily right at home. Today more than ever before you can enhance your sugar free products buy like carbonated and infused waters, merely by including fresh ingredients. Try adding any of the following to a chilly cup or pitcher of drinking water or even carbonated soda: cut citrus fruit or zest (lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit), berry crushed fresh mint or other herbs, peeled, sliced fresh ginger or sliced cucumber, and so forth.

Your smartest sugar free tip is still no carb flavored water. Flavored water is real popular for diabetics and people looking to lose excess fat. Always reach for low or low carb flavored waters whenever purchasing these products. Additionally, there is a great selection of flavoring concentrates you could add to tap water in order to blend perfect flavored water every time. Flavored water with no carbs may be the best diet beverage, and the perfect thirst quencher for health conscious customers.

Here is the next suggestion for favored low carb alternatives is infused water (spa water) - You can locate fancy flavored waters in the food market store, including a few that are free of sugar or artificial sweeteners. Spa water is usually flavored with herbs, fruits, even vegetables. An individual can effortlessly make your own naturally-infused spa water at home.

A well-liked no sugar drink is actually carbonated water. When it comes to carbonated water, the bubbles can help to make water taste better making it less difficult to drink. Some individuals believe carbonation can assist ease upset stomach and constipation. Nonetheless, carbonated water is not actually any better or worse for you, nutritionally, than ordinary old tap water.

Look back, at an old sugar free drink: tea, black or green, caffeinated or decaf, leaf or herbal, hot or cold. Tea is an excellent choice as far as a calorie free drink. Adding a teaspoon of sugar or honey means about fifteen calories per serving. Many teas taste fairly sweet to the palate even without having adding any sugar: Try teas which feature cinnamon, vanilla, or other "sweet" spices. Black and green teas are additionally abundant in antioxidants, flavonoids, and other biologically active substances which may be good for health.

You can't mention tea as a sugar free choice with mentioning coffee. Coffee is calorie free, as long as you don't load it up with cream and sugar. Take a pass on the coffees that are topped with whipped cream and drizzled with sugar syrup, since those can have upwards of 300 to 400 calories per extra-large cup. If you want to add one teaspoon of sugar to a plain cup of coffee, that's no big deal.

Moving on, another popular tip for sugar free drinks today is sparkling water with a splash of juice. Sparkling juices that are sold ready-made, are often heavy on the juice, and may have almost as many calories as sugary soda pop. Instead, make your own sparkling juice at home with 12 ounces of sparkling water and just an ounce or two of juice. For a flavor twist, add sliced citrus or fresh herbs.

Next there are fresh fruit coolers that are also sugar free refreshments. Store-bought smoothies tend to be promoted as "health" foods, but they tend to be frequently packed using sugar and high in calories. A few also have up to 300 calories in a 12 ounce serving.

Growing stronger today in the area of diet drinks and beverages are the diet shakes. Right now there tend to be plenty of pre-mixed diet shakes on the marketplace. A diet shake is especially useful to assist anyone jump start a weight loss plan. Furthermore, you should think about them when your 3 o'clock hunger pains come around, or even to keep you until dinner. A lot of folks consume shakes for the bulk of their meals for a few months whenever they do jump start a diet regime program, after that to maintain his or her weight-loss, these people will replace a dinner replacement shake for a single meal on most days.

For a new perspective on sugar free liquids, try out low salt broth or stock? Nothing says we must fulfill our thirst using some thing sweet. Low-sodium broth/stock can provide the entire body required liquids, and it could be a new idea for a savory and satisfying option to a sweet drink. It's the perfect late mid-day solution when hunger hits you. For the best selection among these, look for one that is low in salt. That's fewer than two hundred mg of sodium per serving.

You can also drink skim milk for your no sugar drink. Drinking skim milk is a perfect way to help cure your hunger. According to a recent study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people who drank about two servings of skimmed milk in the AM claimed they felt full throughout the day, and consumed about 10% less at lunch time than those who had a fruit juice. Add no carb flavor drops to bring some zip. This is a great product for you to get vitamin D, and at the same time, milk is diet friendly.

Finally, don't forget there are natural sweeteners offered such as stevia and blue agave. They are all natural and also add zero carbohydrates or calories to the sugar free beverage of choice. Therefore there is no purpose to consume a sugar free beverage which tastes boring or flat. Just add a natural sweetener to sweeten up your sugar free beverages.

George Napoli is the author of this article and CEO of yumdropsflavoring.com and has researched high calorie liquids for over 5 years and understands all about stevia. Natural flavor drops and natural stevia are the basic ingredients used to improve the tastes of water, tea, coffee, dairy and dessert products.

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Tired Of Missing Your Favorite Cocktail? Alcoholic Flavorings And No Crabs For Diabetics And Carb Counters

By George Napoli

Here is the simple truth. When it comes to the real storyline: alcohol, diabetes and weight loss create some real challenges.

Who doesn't like to end the day with their favorite alcoholic beverage? Wine, beer or hard liqueurs are typically the most popular. Alcohol exists in our world, and it's become the center of many of life's activities and celebrations. You get a promotion, and it's off to dinner to celebrate with friends and a cocktail. You play a round of golf or tennis, and you sit in the bar afterwards with friends to talk about the day, over your favorite alcoholic cocktail. That is a perfect example of how alcoholic beverages are the center of our everyday lives.

Although it could be hard to find any wellness organization that will advise drinking alcohol, the A.D. A. and the American Heart Association, as well as others like the American Cancer Society, all agree that consuming alcohol in very light to moderation, is fine for many people.

Individuals with diabetic issues, or weight watchers, should reduce alcoholic liquids. Here's why. Beverages which contain alcohol are converted into fats and therefore are high in unhealthy calories. Neither of the two is very beneficial for either diabetes or reducing your weight. So let us take another look at the subject of alcohol and diabetes in general, and then examine a few choices for you in alcoholic free drinks that are currently offered specifically.

Research conducted recently shows that alcohol produces a large redistribution of blood circulation within the pancreas. What happens is: alcohol sends more blood to a region of the pancreas known as the islets and attacks the beta cells. The islets have cells plus the main role of those cells is to create insulin, the important hormone for reducing blood sugar levels. The beta cells produce insulin, and it helps turn the food you eat into fuel for your cells. Without it, you must take insulin shots every day to live. Over stimulating your beta cells by taking in alcohol might be at the source of the situation.

The recommendation the journal makes is an obvious one. Avoid drinks with alcohol, especially when they are high in sugar content, to avoid even further complications. These beverages include hard liquor mixed with high fructose mixes, wine coolers, sweet wines, cordials and beers.

If you are experiencing other medical problems as a result of your diabetes, then it is best to skip alcohol altogether. Always remember to discuss these subjects with your doctor before doing anything different with your diets.

In the end, there is no last word. If you enjoy the flavors and tastes of your favorite cocktails, cordials, or liqueurs, what else can you do when a virgin cocktail is not your preferred choice? There is a fair selection of choices out there if you look for them. Non-alcohol beer is a perfect example, and there are plenty of options in most grocery stores.

With regards to the exact tastes of rum and soda, or an Irish coffee, exactly what choices would you have for alcoholic beverages with no alcohol? The solution to alcoholic drinks without any alcohol is all in the flavoring. Search natural alcohol flavorings, or flavor concentrates, and you will discover a few of the popular alcohol flavorings with no alcohol, just like cordials and liqueurs available. Stay away from syrup flavorings which will contain sugar!

Natural flavor concentrates are available as flavor drops and include some of the more popular alcohol free flavors: dark rum, Irish Creme, coffee liqueurs and even amaretto. Now you can have all the tastes and flavors of rum and cola, or a mojito, and none of the alcohol. Always choose natural flavoring concentrates with no carbs or calories.

The next time you're along with your buddies sharing a minute or honoring an event, request a virgin mohito and put in your own natural rum flavoring drops. Or perhaps, for a pick me up late in the day delight, try out a mug of java and create your Irish creme or amaretto coffee with alcohol free flavorings.

George Napoli is the author of this article and CEO of yumdropsflavoring.com and has researched alcoholic beverages and weight loss and diabetics for over 5 years. Alcohol flavor drops contain zero carbs. Visit website to learn more.

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A Close Look At Diabetes Genetic Disorder

By Amanda Maseko

Sufferers with diabetes have a condition that creates a problem with how their body produces energy for food. To maintain our energy levels glucose is moved around the blood stream to the cells and muscles etc. We all need energy to survive but diabetes interrupts the transportation of glucose in our blood stream. Owing to this condition, excessive levels of glucose build up in the blood stream instead of absorption into the cells.

Information in this article is regarding the two major types of the condition. In type 1, which is also called juvenile onset diabetes or insulin-dependent where the body completely stops producing any insulin; this results in the diabetic requiring an insulin injection every day to stay healthy and alive. The drug insulin plays the major role of ensuring the glucose level remain at a safe level. The second type is called adult onset diabetes and happens later in life; the body is still producing insulin but there is a problem with its production or use, but fortunately this type can be treated with a special diet.

Those energy foods which we all need to live are pasta, rice, potatoes, bread and fruit of course. Prolonged periods of high blood glucose levels can lead to problems like heart disease, kidney complaints, blindness and even limb amputations.

Specialists in diabetes will tell you that provided you do exactly what your care and management program tells you to do, your condition will start to improve; these conditions will vary form person to person but most should see improvements with some complaints halted altogether. Managing your condition means you must take control of certain areas of your life by ensuring you take your medication regularly; this means maintaining the correct level of blood sugar, cholesterol and blood fat along with giving up cigarettes.

Apart from this, your blood pressure and weight should not go above the limits your doctor advised. Once you have been diagnosed with diabetes, you will have it for life; currently approx 2.6 percent of the U.S. population or about 5.5 million Americans, are known to have this health problem.

The frightening thing is that it is estimated that at least the same number of people has this condition but just don't know it yet; there are more than 600,000 new cases every year so the situation is worsening. Officially, the number of deaths each year directly attributable to diabetes is 34,000 although in reality this figure is closer to 320,000 individuals; whilst not as a direct result, it is a significant contributing factor in a large number of these deaths.

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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Diabetic Recipes: Get Delicious Recipes

By Amanda Maseko

Diabetes surely limits some of the food you can eat, but by using the right diabetic recipes you can still relish fine food. As with many things that are good for you in life, there is a payback and diabetes is no different, and it will be necessary to alter the nutrients you may be used too. Sorting out a diabetic diet program is much simpler with diabetic recipes and is one of the most serious things you need to do if you suffer from diabetes.

First Off, one of the main ends for a diabetic diet is to lower your weight and maintain it. One of the best ways to abide by a diabetic diet is to eat foodstuffs that are from all of the four basic food groups. Two complications associated with diabetes are coronary illness and strokes but by sticking to your diabetic diet program you should reduce the risk of having these problems. By creating a healthy, low-fat diet, using diabetic recipes, many of the symptoms of diabetes have been diminished including unclear vision, thirst and at the same time increasing energy levels and reducing fatigue.

A healthy diabetic menu is concerned with eating a balanced diet of non-fat dairy foodstuffs, lean meat, poultry, fish, entire grains, fruit, vegetables and beans. If you are restricted to a low carbohydrate diabetic diet then you may discover that the vegetables you are allowed to eat include, avocados, carrots and kidney beans along with fish, cheese, eggs, domestic fowl and meat. Diabetic recipes should not contain saturated fats and foodstuffs that are low in cholesterol such as skinless domestic fowl, with fresh fruit and vegetables as discussed previously.

Weighing your food when you're on a diabetic diet is as serious as the foodstuffs you eat, so that you receive the correct amount of calories. Using the food tags in the supermarkets will also become second nature when you are preparing your diabetic recipes as they contain useful information, usually based on a diet of two thousand calories per day.

For example, your breakfast on two thousand calorie diabetic diet plan might consist of something like this, a cup of skimmed milk or sugar free yoghurt, a couple of slices of bread, rice cakes or pasta if you prefer, an egg prepared your favorite way and a serving of fruit. However, if a lower one thousand eight hundred calorie per day has been advised for your diabetic diet program then your diabetic recipes book might propose something like a cup of skimmed milk, a tablespoon of cheese, a couple of slices of bread and a serving of fruit.

With your balanced diet you would be able to have an mid afternoon snack which could be some fruit and a couple of crackers washed down with a half cup of tea or coffee but only with synthetic sweeteners. Alternatively, to vary your diabetic diet you could always have a cup of skimmed milk or yoghurt to replace the tea or coffee. Diabetic diets using specially devised diabetic recipes can be just as entertaining as a normal diet but you just have to know what you are allowed to eat and vary your menus to keep them entertaining.

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Diabetes Complications: Foot and Kidney Diseases

By Amanda Maseko

Foot complications of diabetes are caused by neuropathy. Because the high glucose levels in the blood of a diabetic person affects the central nervous system after a period of time, it also affects nerves in various parts of your body. Most often effected are the nerves in the feet and the furthest from the brain, it is here where people with diabetes who have nerve damage, often do not feel cold or pain or even heat. People with diabetes that is uncontrolled often can injure their feet without feeling it. The injury may result in a blister or wound that will be slow to heal. The blister or wound becomes infected and the foot complications of diabetes begin.

When a wound does not heal and the infection begins to spread, gangrene can set in. Gangrene can kill a person, and the doctor knows this. So the person with diabetes has a choice, they can either lose their toe or their life. In most cases, they choose to lose the toe.

You should try and avoid foods that are high in starch and sugars. The Glycemic Index is an excellent tool that can inform a diabetic about which foods should be avoided. Maintain your weight and exercise regularly. This will also boost your immune system. Be sure to visit your doctor regularly and monitor your blood glucose level. Keep a record of the levels to present to your doctor so he or she can adjust your insulin or medication if needed. By complying with your physician, you an avoid many of the complications that accompany diabetes.

Kidney disease

Not everyone who has diabetes gets kidney disease. This is yet another popular misconception about the illness. While uncontrolled glycemia can cause kidney disease, diabetics who maintain their proper blood glucose levels can avoid kidney disease.

Many diabetics are non compliant patients. Non complaint patients are those who do not do what the doctor instructs them to do. They do not follow the diet as recommended in the Glycemic Index. This chart was developed to inform people with diabetes of which foods to avoid. Those foods that are high in the glycemic index take the longest to break down and do the most damage to the kidneys, who try their best to eliminate the waste. The Glycemic Index was developed in 1981 and is a potential lifesaver for anyone with this disease as it clearly states which foods to avoid.

Exercise and weight control are crucial to maintaining a healthy lifestyle not only for diabetics, but for the general population. Yet many people simply refuse to follow these essential guidelines.

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