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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Medical Diagnoses Of Early Signs Of Diabetes Saves Lives

By Longesis Sample

Frequent urination, weak bladder, rapid weight gain or loss, changes in vision are all signs of diabetes.

Other indications of diabetes are recurring infections, cuts or bruises that heal very slowly, tingling of the hands or feet, increased appetite, fatigue, sores which are slow to heal, weakness in the back of legs, unsteady gait because of impaired nerve or muscle malfunction, and cramping or pain.

The hallmark warning sign of diabetes is increased thirst which is the result of glucose absorbing water from your cells. More subtle warning signs are muscle weakness in hands or feet, pins and needle sensations, heat and cold insensitivity and trouble walking.

Men and women typically have the same signs and symptoms. They are the result of the pancreas not producing insulin at all or the amount produced is inadequate for controlling blood glucose levels.

Hyperglycemia, an increased blood sugar concentration, causes diabetic symptoms. The symptoms are more dangerous with type 2 diabetes because they develop over an extended period of time where there's more of chance for them to damage your body.

If early signs of diabetes are discovered before major symptoms arise in an individual the disease may have not advanced so far that medication won't be able to prevent it from getting worse. The signs of diabetes may be serious and must be evaluated by a physician.

Life style modification, including increased exercise and diet modification, may prevent type 2 diabetes. The disease, previously known as adult-onset or non insulin dependent diabetes, is the most common form of diabetes induced by high blood sugar.

The different types of diabetes have are the same symptoms, but types 1 and 2 diabetes have different causes. Type 2 diabetes occurs in people over 40 years old, have a family history of diabetes or are obese.

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder. Type 2 is lifestyle induced hyperglycemia.

Five to 10 percent of all the diagnosed cases of type 1 diabetes in the United States have type 1 diabetes. Most of the time it affects people younger than 30, but it can occur at any age.

Because the early warning signs of diabetes are ignored by people who have them, only 6 million of the 17 million persons who have the disease have been diagnosed. The reason is that the early warning signs don't seem severe enough to warrant treatment by a doctor.

When your pancreas does not produce insulin or you are insulin resistant, that is your cells don't respond to the insulin that is produced, high blood sugar is the result. High blood sugar concentration can lead to heart disease, impotence, vascular damage, amputations, blindness, stroke and recurrent infections, and high blood pressure.

Type 3, or gestational diabetes, commonly occurs during pregnancy. The symptoms are hard to detect, and disappear after childbirth.

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