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Sunday, June 28, 2015

When Patients Need To Seek Help From An Endocrinologist In Conroe TX

By Francis Riggs

Endocrinologists are physicians with a specialty in diagnosing and treating diseases associated with glands that produce hormones. Patients who have hormonal imbalances will often see this medical professional after referral from a general practitioner. Many people who see an endocrinologist in Conroe TX suffer from diabetes or thyroid disorders.

The path to becoming an endocrinologist is a long one. Candidates must first earn a bachelor's degree before attending four years of medical school. After graduating from medical school, most endocrinologists will complete a minimum of three years in residency. The final step is to obtain a license from the state where the individuals intends to practice.

Hormones are responsible for regulating a wide range of physiological processes. These include reproduction, growth, metabolism, and food absorption. The production of hormones also helps people respond to the environment and provides the energy necessary to function properly.

The endocrine system consists of many glands located in various parts of the body. The hypothalamus, ovaries, thyroid, thymus, adrenals, testes, and pituitary are some of those glands. The glands in this system introduce hormones directly into the blood stream for delivery to target organs elsewhere in the body. The exocrine system is different because it feeds hormones directly to an organ through a duct.

An endocrinologist restores hormone balances to normal levels in individuals who need it. The type of disease dictates the treatment necessary. In some case, the patient needs more hormones while in others the patient has too much. Certain medications can replace hormones or prevent the appropriate gland from producing too much. Dietary changes are often effective for treating people with these disorders.

Diabetics will often see the endocrinologist to help regulate their blood sugar level. Diabetes is a condition that occurs when the body does not receive enough insulin from the pancreas to control sugar consumed in foods. The high levels of sugar cause damage to other organs. Prescription medications or insulin injections regulate blood sugar levels. Patients can help the condition by reducing the amount of sugar they consume.

Patients who either have too much or lack enough thyroid hormone will see this specialist for help. A lack of sufficient thyroid hormone often causes constipation, achy joints and muscles, depression, fluid retention, and fatigue. Women with this condition often bleed excessively during their menstrual cycle. An endocrinologist can correct this disorder by prescribing a synthetic hormone to bring levels back to normal.

Patients with thyroids that produce too much hormone often have a fast heart rate and feel nervous or anxious. They may suffer with tremors or an unusual intolerance to heat. Unintentional weight loss and increased sweating are additional symptoms of this health problem. Antithyroid medications cause the thyroid to produce lower amounts of hormone and often eliminate symptoms within one to eight weeks after starting treatment.

Endocrinologists can help patients with many other diseases besides diabetes and thyroid disorders. They may work closely with gynecologists to treat infertility or manage menopause symptoms. Many endocrine disorders require life-long care, which requires an effective relationship between physician and patient.

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