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Saturday, May 4, 2013

Understanding The Signs And Symptoms Of Diabetes In Kentucky

By Alison Wilcox

Those who suspect they have diabetes in Kentucky should seek medical advice. This is because the disorder can have life-threatening consequences if action is not taken. The condition is caused by the malfunctioning of an organ called the pancreas. It can also be the result of certain metabolic disorders.

Virtually everything one eats is turned to glucose by his or her body. Glucose is the major source of energy in humans. After food is digested, the glucose offers support for cell growth and energy for living. However, in order for the glucose to be processed properly, one's body must have insulin. The latter is not made in suitable amounts in the bodies of diabetics. This results in a buildup of glucose in the person's blood. The symptoms associated with the condition vary based on numerous factors, such as any other health conditions the person may have, and the type of the disease with which he or she is afflicted.

One of the main symptoms of type I diabetes, which affects juveniles, is frequent urination. This specific symptom generally manifests during the night, when sufferers find themselves arising multiple times before morning in order to empty a full bladder. Unusual thirst may accompany the symptom.

An unusually strong appetite, especially in teenagers and children, is another symptom of the disorder. Even though a person may have eaten a full meal, he or she may become very hungry only a short time afterwards. Many times, appetite changes of this nature are accompanied by cravings for carbohydrates and other high starch foods. Exhaustion, irritability, and feeling as if one is mentally dull are frequently seen in diabetics as well.

Idiopathic weight loss, which is the term for weight loss for which no known cause can be identified, is often seen in type I diabetics. While weight loss is a normal result of calorie restriction and exercise, it should never occur for no reason. Those who experience unexplained weight loss should seek medical advice as soon as possible.

In addition to the symptoms outlined above, frequent infections, particularly yeast infections, can be a classic symptom of adult onset diabetes, otherwise known as type II. Infections in other parts of the body, or an infection that takes a long time to heal may also point to this disorder.

Type II diabetics sometimes experience vision changes, most often in the form of blurred vision, as high blood sugar causes the lens of the eye to swell. Many times, people are tempted to ignore such symptoms and assume they are the vision changes associated with the aging process. However, blurred vision should never be ignored.

Diabetics may also notice that when they get a cut or a scratch, it takes a long time to heal when compared to someone who does not have this condition. This is due to poor circulation caused by the disorder. The latter can also result in tingling and numbness in various parts of the body, particularly the hands and feet. Anyone who suspects that he or she is suffering from diabetes in Kentucky is wise to speak to a qualified medical practitioner without delay.

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