30 Days to a Diabetes-Free Life

Despite what You’ve been Told – You CAN Reverse Diabetes Permanently – and You Don’t Need Insulin Shots

In just 30 days from today you could be enjoying a life without diabetes.

It’s true.

You see, there’s a new report that tells you exactly how to reverse your diabetes – or anyone’s for that matter – naturally. With no insulin injections, and no constant blood-sugar-checking.

It really is a miracle how this works and you owe it to yourself to check it out.

The clock is ticking – if you start right now you’ll have only 29 more days to kick diabetes out of your life. Click here to learn how.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Keep A Running Record Of Blood Sugar Levels With Your Blood Meter

By Merrie Reuter

Diabetes is not just a disease for old people, and it is not a disease that you can hide from. There are many people currently living with it that can back this statement up. This article will go over the symptoms and causes of diabetes and what you can do to ensure you do all that you can to remain diabetes free.

If you are diabetic, eat high glycemic foods in moderation. This group of foods includes refined white bread, white pasta, and refined rice. These foods cause your blood sugar to raise very quickly, making it difficult to manage. Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet to avoid filling up on these processed foods.

To make the most of your diabetes medication, talk to your doctor about the best time to take it. When ingested at the moment of maximum effectiveness, a medication can be allowed to work to its highest potential inside your body. Some medications are preferred thirty minutes before a meal, while others are right before.

You can get a free blood glucose meter from your pharmacy just by asking. They usually have coupons or rebates so that you can get the latest model at no cost, the caveat is that you'll be buying their brand of blood test strips for the rest of your life.

Diabetics are more likely to have glaucoma. Because it can cause blindness, have your eyes checked for glaucoma at each yearly eye exam. Tests include tonometry, which involves blowing a small, painless puff of air at each eye's surface. You may be prescribed eye drops. Other treatment options include, lasers and surgery.

If you are a diabetic considering running as an exercise alternative to walking make sure that you consult your doctor first. It is important to ensure that running won't make you develop orthopedic or cardiovascular problems. Your doctor will be able to help point you in the right direction to guarantee safe running with your diabetes.

It is important for diabetics to learn to eat a healthy diet and control portion sizes. Eating excessively large portions is a sure way to gain weight. Eating too much, even of foods that are good for you, will result in weight gain and blood sugar problems. Use smaller plates, put your utensils down between bites and eat slower.

In conclusion, it is your job to take care of your own body and ensure that you are as healthy as possible. This is especially true of preventable diseases. Hopefully the tips and tricks in this article will help you with whatever your situation is concerning diabetes - whether it be prevention or treatment.

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