30 Days to a Diabetes-Free Life

Despite what You’ve been Told – You CAN Reverse Diabetes Permanently – and You Don’t Need Insulin Shots

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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Smart Beverages For Weight Loss And Diabetic Living

By George Napoli

Dieticians in addition to Nutritionists realize that any weight-loss customers and particularly their diabetic patients have very few if any genuine selections for beverage choice. Let's start with a couple of authorities' claims in the area of beverages and the correlation towards diabetes and extra weight.

The 1st expert is Harvard School of Public Health. This institution ran a publication about Sugary Beverages, The Nutrition Source titled: Sugary Beverages or Diet Drinks: What's the Right Selection?

The second authority will be N. C. University. They ran an article titled: We're drinking extra calories, more than ever.

Here are what these articles claim: It is time to move away from the sugar- sweetened beverages; they are simply sweetened water! We are consuming approximately 500 calories per day with beverages. That totals nearly twenty nine lbs. a year in extra weight we have to face.

Studies have connected fruit juices, sodas and drinks along with other beverages containing high- fructose corn syrup adding a lot of weight in addition to all forms of diabetes. On the other hand, they make it troublesome to regulate blood sugars, plus if you are pre- diabetic, the beverages multiply by two your risk with diabetes type 2. While natural 100 percent fruit juices usually do not increase a danger to get type 2 diabetes for pre- diabetics, they do make managing your pounds and blood sugars difficult.

There is a couple of sensible health wise selections for you to consider. Attempt to consume 64- 80 oz of water every day and add 8- 24- oz of low-fat milk products a week. Drink less coffee and tea during the week while stopping drinks with high calories and carbs.

Find a way to drop the drinking of pure fruit juices or lower them to less than 4 to 6- ounces every day. Following these ideas and you will be tracking to lower your weight plus maybe reducing your blood pressure and your blood sugars. If you are pre- diabetes, it just may prevent you from getting it.

Tap water could be a real cure for the topics listed in these publications. Just like the next piece of something isn't as good as the first, what options are there when you tire of drinking plain water? Choosing beverages, mostly water with flavor added, when there is no carbohydrates or calories.

Here are some other additional beverage alternatives to test: * Flavored concentrates blend flavored waters, without any carbohydrates or calories * Flavored water with no carbs and calories * Club soda or carbonated beverages * Diet tonic waters * Plain seltzer waters or together with normal flavor drops * Diet Fresca * Diet ginger ale * Iced or hot tea with no sweeteners * Brewed coffee * Add flavoring to water * Citrus zest and slices * Low fat milk * Beverage that did not pre-sweeten, that way you can add in stevia, a natural sweetener

George Napoli is the publisher of this article and CEO of yumdropsflavoring.com and has researched low carb beverages for diabetic living and weight loss for over 5 years. Natural flavor concentrates with natural stevia are used to enhance the taste of water, tea, coffee, dairy and dessert products.

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