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Monday, February 20, 2012

Leave Tobacco Behind And Learn How To Live Healthier

By Joane Mcwain

You must be properly motivated if you want to be successful at quitting smoking. There are so many benefits when you do quit smoking. Those benefits should help you keep motivated when it becomes difficult. You can protect your health and that of your family, save loads of money, avoid being as susceptible to lung cancer and look and feel younger. Continue reading, to delve deeper into great information, to help you quit.

When you have finally chosen to quit smoking, think about joining a support group. Talking to your peers will help you to find new techniques for fighting cravings, have emotional support and find new non-smoking friends. People like this can give you important tips, support, and even guidance. There may be a support group for people who are trying to quit in your community. Look at places such as community colleges or churches.

Strategically plan rewards for yourself in advance if you meet certain goals. Make a list of things that you can use to reward yourself for reaching a week, month or day of nonsmoking. Make sure you can see that list every single day. This will provide you with some extra motivation, and it might just keep you from caving in and smoking again.

Use "NOPE," a.k.a not one puff ever, for your mantra. At times, you may think that one little cigarette will be fine, but just a single puff can make all of your progress go to waste. Tell yourself the dangers that taking that one puff can do. This may stop you in your tracks and make it possible to fight off the craving.

Create a list of ideas on how quitting smoking can be achieved. Taking time to think and customize your list based on your personality is a good method of quitting. Each person is unique as to how they get things done. It is important for you to find something that will work for you. That's the purpose of making a personalized list.

Eliminating any reminders of your life as a smoker can help you to quit. So get rid of any lighters or ashtrays from your home. To get rid of smoke odors in your home, clean your house and wash your clothes. This will stop anything that reminds you of your smoking days to trigger a craving.

Smoking may have previously provided you with a form of stress relief. If that is the case, it will be necessary for you to identify another way to achieve relaxation. Try meditating or yoga, as it will take the edge off your stress levels in a much healthier way than smoking.

As you learn to live without cigarettes, it is helpful to avoid trigger situations that would normally involve smoking for you. If you always have a drink in one hand and a cigarette in the other, it's time to shake up your routine a little. Drinking coffee on your way to work in the car, or finding a new hangout besides the bar, will give you a chance to minimize familiar triggers and cravings.

Deep breathing techniques can help you fight cigarette cravings. To a count of ten, inhale through your nose. Hold your breath and then exhale as you count to ten. This exercise effectively reduces craving-related stress and refocuses your attention. It will also make you more aware that your respiratory system will be improving every single day that you do not have a cigarette.

Your primary care physician can be a great resource if your are not able to quit smoking by yourself. Prescription medication may make quitting smoking easier to handle. They are not for everybody, so this discussion should also include your detailed medical history. Also ask your doctor for a list of support groups, therapists and any other resources that may be helpful to you.

List the reasons why you want to stop smoking. Write down anything that comes to mind, no matter how big or small it may be. Read this list frequently. This will help you stay motivated to keep on your path towards a smokeless future.

Avoid triggers you associate with smoking when you are trying to quit. If you often smoked in your car, then create a new driving habit like listening to a book on tape or making a motivational driving playlist. This will help you to remove the associations these habits have with smoking. Look for a distraction in these situations.

Quitting smoking is hard work, though the benefits that you will gain in terms of your social life, appearance and your overall health will be worth it. Once you put the tips offered in this article into action, you will hopefully feel motivated to kick the habit for good! Choose a tip that resonates with you and experiment with using it right away.

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