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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Key Details Involving Diabetes Symptoms

By Michael Edgar

Diabetes is a kind of metabolic disease. It is characterized by an increased amount of blood sugar. The amount of sugar production can be caused by cells that do not respond to the insulin being produced or the lack of insulin that is being produced. When no treatment is given, this disease can cause serious damage to the human body. Diabetes symptoms are often subtle but can be pinpointed.

Type 2, gestational and type 1 are the types of diabetes. Type 2 refers to insulin resistance issues. The cells do not utilize insulin that has been produced. Gestational is found in pregnant women and usually goes away following the pregnancy, but can also develop into type 2. Type 1 refers to inability of the body to make required insulin levels. Treatment is available, but both types 1 and 2 are classified as chronic conditions that are not able to be cured.

Many of the signs and symptoms related to this condition appear harmless and often fly under the radar. Many people have gone months or even years without knowing that they suffered with this problem because they had few to no symptoms. An early diagnosis means early treatment. Those with diabetes are capable of living a relatively normal life if they choose to properly manage the problem. This usually involves a support system, lifestyle change and medication use.

A common sign is increased frequency of urination and added thirst. Fatigue may also be present. There are several elements that can cause the fatigueness. Individuals tend to suffer with dehydration because the constant urination.

Fluctuations or loss in weight is another symptom. When the sugar goes out through urination, so do calories. This condition can also keep sugar in food from making it to the cells it needs to rich, which in turn results in constant feeling of hunger. The mix can result in a change of weight. Sometimes diabetes effects vision. High sugar levels tend to gather fluid from the tissues, including the eyes, which may then struggle with focusing.

People who suffer with this problem are more likely to catch infections and find it difficult to manage. Furthermore, the sugar levels make it hard for the body to carry on with its normal haling processes. Women with the condition often struggle with bladder and vaginal infections. Nerve damage is a quite common result of increased sugar levels. This will cause the feet or hands to tingle or lose sensation.

If the gums are tender, swollen or red, this could be a symptom. With this condition, the body loses its ability to ward off germs, therefore making itself more susceptible to infections, particularly in the bones and gums of the mouth. It is crucial that all potential symptoms are presented to a doctor.

A disease that involves high blood sugar levels is known as diabetes. Because the sugar amount in the blood is so high, diabetes symptoms develop. Examples of these signs: frequent infections, blurred vision, irritated gums, fatigue, increased urination, thirst and tingling of limbs. The sooner the disease has been diagnosed, the quicker treatment can be applied. The problem cannot be cured, but can be maintained.

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