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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Side effects of Gestation Diabetes

By Terry Brennar

Gestation Diabetes is a medical condition that may have a number of side effects to women who suffer from it that may be risky. This should not be a reason for you to be scared but there are a couple of recent news that you should be aware of. One of them was from the Nigerian tribune.

Diabetes Causes Abortions In Pregnant Women

Miscarriage or spontaneous abortion is one of the most devastating experiences that can happen to a woman. Experts say, in some instances, diabetes may be the cause of many cases of abortion and birth of children with inborn malformations in pregnant women, reports Sade Oguntola.

Mrs Sarah Haruna had gone through four miscarriages in a period of eight years and although she had been treated at two private hospitals during her last two pregnancies, the 32-year-old lady had endured painful miscarriages since the cause of this had not been detected. It is a government hospital which brought light to the problem and Haruna finally gave birth to a healthy baby after being monitored by a special doctor for seven months.

As it is evident, women should always get first, second and even third opinions when they see any symptoms of Gestation Diabetes so as to ensure the their good health with that of their young ones. As an old but very useful clich states, it is better to be safe than sorry.

Megha Satyanarayana of Detroit Free Press writes:

In what was termed as the largest medical malpractice jury verdict in Michigan history, an Oakland County jury awarded the family of quadriplegic 15-year-old girl $130 million in damages.

The attorneys of MarkellVanSlembrouck of Macomb Township argued that the mother of the girl suffered from Gestation Diabetes which made the girl get born larger than normal. According to attorney Geoffrey Fieger, instead of delivering her by cesarean section, the doctor in charge rather induced her for a vaginal delivery at Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak. This made her get a brain damage and a broken clavicle and now has quadriplegia, which requires an all time attention.

Fieger said that the doctor had crushed the life of the little girl evn though the officials of the hospital tried to prove that the girl's birth defects were genetic. It took about three weeks for the case to come to an end. The case was lead by Judge Rudy Nichols, and the jury took three days to make the crucial decision of this case that was filed in May 2006.

Halperin no longer works at the hospital, said spokesman Robert Ortlieb. Beaumont officials said they will appeal the award.Fieger said the award represents the cost of caring for Markell around-the-clock through 2077 and her lost wages. The money will be stored with a court-appointed conservator.

The original complaint filed by attorney Douglas Raymond of Lafayette, accused Halperin and Beaumont of not identifying that Markell's size needed a C-section and not acting to prevent injury to the baby.

It is evident that Gestational Diabetes can cause problems not only to an expectant mother but to the child also. For this reason, in case you think you have it, don't wait! You should consult your doctor or health care professional immediately, and always remember that Gestational Diabetes poses a number of serious side effects other than the disease itself.

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