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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Diabetes: Its Causes, Symptoms, And Management

By Jacob Waeetane

Diabetes mellitus is a lifelong disease distinguished by disproportionate levels of sugar in the bloodstream. It has two variants, namely, type 1 diabetes results from the loss of insulin-manufacturing cells in the pancreas, which in turn brings about insulin deficiency, and type 2 diabetes that comes from insulin resistance or cellular inability to make use of insulin. The incidence of diabetes is rising in a fast pace worldwide, but most drastically in developed countries. As of 2010, roughly 285 million individuals around the world have diabetes, with Type 2 DM making up 90 percent of these cases. It is projected that by 2030, this number will increase to more than double.

Causes of diabetes

Type 1 diabetes

This kind of diabetes is partially inherited, and it often shows up after an infection. In type 1 DM, the body's immune system attacks and destroys insulin-producing cells, leaving the body devoid of or with only negligible amounts of insulin. This form of diabetes is not brought about by lifestyle, and it can come about as early as childhood.

Type 2 diabetes

This form of diabetes is a disease of affluence, and it is strongly associated with obesity, but not all type 2 DM sufferers are overweight. Heredity can also play a role in type 2 diabetes, and environmental variables activates this predisposition. Particular health conditions, polycystic ovary syndrome for example, and certain medications, like glucocorticoids, can increase the risk for diabetes.

Diabetes symptoms

Both kinds of diabetes can demonstrate the same signs and symptoms. Diabetes sufferers often experience increased thirst and therefore frequent trips to the comfort room, extreme food cravings and easy fatigability as a result of cellular starvation, and recurring infections. Unusual weight loss may also be encountered, but not in all cases. Poorly managed diabetes can also lead to microvascular changes, which can result in vision changes, slow-healing wounds especially in the feet, and decreased sensation in the hands and feet, which increases their likelihood of being wounded without their knowledge.


Currently, there are no proven cures yet for diabetes, but disease management is possible through medications, like insulin and oral hypoglycemics, and lifestyle modifications, including following a controlled diet and increasing physical activity. Daily checking of blood sugar and regular check-ups with a health care provider are also necessary to monitor the effectiveness of medical management as well prevent or detect complications. For diabetes that is difficult to control, a pancreas transplant is also a solution, but only employed as a final resort. It is also important to stop smoking and reduce taking in of alcohol because these can hasten the development of complications.

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