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Friday, August 5, 2011

Symptoms Of Diabetes

By Chris Scarborough

Diabetes involves unusually high blood glucose levels. Insulin, which is secreted by the pancreas, lowers blood sugar levels. If a person's pancreas can't make enough insulin for the body, he will develop diabetes.

A short list of symptoms of diabetes would include severe hunger and thirst, more urge to urinate, and fatigue. The tried and tested way to diagnose diabetes is through the Glucose Tolerance Test.

Type 1 diabetes is the more acute form. It can usually be treated with dietary restrictions, exercise, and sometimes with insulin. The use of insulin is only after the diet, exercise, and weight loss plan has been done. This form of diabetes is considered an insulin dependent disease.

Type II is less severe, and is treated with a special diet, exercise, and weight loss. Oral medications are added when the above mentioned treatments aren't very effective. Insulin is used only as a last resort. Type 2 diabetes normally occurs in adults who are middle age or older, which is why it is sometimes called Late-Onset Diabetes. In this case, the pancreas still produces the right levels of insulin but the body has become resistant to it.

It's very possible for an individual to delay the onset of Type II diabetes if one or more family members have the condition. Through diet, exercise, and weight loss, you'll be able to do it. If you leave type II diabetes untreated, it's very likely that you'll develop the same complications as type I diabetes.

Gestational diabetes is seen in pregnant women. It will usually disappear after the baby is born, but it's better for both the mom and the baby if it is treated.

Juvenile Onset Diabetes occurs in kids. Many believe it to be the onset of type I diabetes. If a child is showing even a few of the symptoms of diabetes, it's vital that they be checked by a doctor. It is estimated that over two million adolescents are in the pre-diabetes stage. This is mostly due to being overweight. Their blood glucose levels are already high, but not high enough to be diabetic. This is usually seen in teens between ages 12 and 19.

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