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Monday, August 1, 2011

Kidney Stones - The Most Horrible Pain Of My Life!

By Ricardo Henri


Kidney stones, one of the most painful of the urological disorders, have bothered humans for centuries. They form when there is a high level of calcium oxalate or uric acid in the urine; a shortage of citrate in the urine; or insufficient water in the kidneys to dissolve waste materials. Kidney stones are most prevalent in people between the ages of 30 and 45, and the incidence declines after age fifty. They may be as little as a grain of sand or as large as a pearl and often do not create any symptoms.


Stones that cause on going symptoms or other complications can be treated using various techniques, most of which do not need major surgery. Sometimes "silent" stones (those that do not cause symptoms) are found on x-rays taken during a standard health exam. The MD determines if the patient has a history of kidney stones, documents past medical problems, and evaluates present symptoms.

When the stone enters the bladder, the obstruction in the ureter is relieved and the symptoms are gone. Kidney stones routinely leave the body by passage in the urine stream, and many are formed and passed without producing any symptoms. Person's with severe symptoms might require hospitalization. Call your health care provider if you have symptoms or if symptoms return, urinating becomes painful, urine output decreases, or new symptoms develop.


Treatment varies, depending on the type of stone and the cause and usually includes pain relievers and increased liquids (to drink) until the stone has passed. If a stone has been removed, or if the patient has passed a stone and kept it, an analysis by the laboratory may aid the MD in planning treatment. A second 24-hour urine collection may be required to determine whether the prescribed treatment is sufficient. Today, therapy for kidney stones is greatly improved, and many options do not necessitate major surgery and can be carry out in an outpatient setting.

To lower the chance of complications, doctors routinely tell patients to avoid taking aspirin and other drugs that affect blood clotting for several weeks prior to treatment. Sometimes the stone is not totally shattered with one treatment, and additional ones may be necessary. As with any interventional, surgical procedure, possible risks and complications should be discussed with your doctor before making a final decision.

If no specific treatment exists, you may be able to stave off additional kidney stones simply by drinking more water and making a few dietary alterations. After treatment, the pain may return if the stone moves and causes blockage in another place. The goal of treatment is to ease and prevent further symptoms.


Kidney stones are tiny, hard deposits of mineral and acid salts on the inner surfaces of your kidneys and form when a change comes about in the normal balance of water, salts, minerals, and other things found in urine. They are very painful but often can be removed from the body without causing permanent damage. They normally cause no pain while in the kidneys, but can produce sudden, severe pain while traveling to the bladder. Kidney stones are more common in developed nations and do have regional variation in occurrence. They occur all year; however, most people seem to develop or become aware of stones during the summer time. They are an ancient affliction dating back to the age of the Egyptian pyramids, yet are still a common ailment in present times. Stones are usually passed out of the body within 48 hours, but attacks can sometimes last for more than 30 days. Most however, pass out of the body without help from a doctor.

If someone in your family has them, you're more likely to develop them also and if you've already had one or more, you're at increased risk of developing another. Most people who develop stones are between twenty and seventy years of age. Having high blood pressure doubles your risk. According to The National Institute of Health, one person in ten develops kidney stones during their lifetime and renal stone disease accounts for 10 out of every 1000 hospital admissions. Conventional wisdom and common sense have long held that consumption of too much calcium could promote the production of kidney stones. However, current studies suggests that the consumption of low-calcium diets is ACTUALLY associated with a higher overall risk for the development of kidney stones. Call your doctor right away if you have symptoms that suggest you have them.

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