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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Health Benefits Of Green Tea: The Things You Have To Know

By Arnold Bieson

Around the globe, green tea is enjoying acceptance in the past several years. In China as well as surrounding areas, it's been long considered to be a health drink. It would appear that the West is finally beginning to catch up. You will find just too many claims about just what green tea can do that it may be a perplexing endeavor to separate fact from fiction.

To properly determine the health benefits of green tea, we have to take a look at what it is made up of. All sorts of tea include catechins - an antioxidant present in plants. As much as 30% of tea can be comprised of catechins if the leaves are freshly picked. Black tea contains considerably less catechins in comparison with green tea due to the way they are processed. Black tea is excellent but green tea is way better.

Green tea contains Epigallocatechin also referred to as EGCG which is considered to be the most active catechins within green tea. Caffeine is also a part of green tea in very small amounts. Tests that confirm that green tea is helpful for your health abound but a majority of the human studies are inconsistent. As stated by the National Institutes of Health or NHI, a lot more 'real world' scientific tests will have to be conducted to confirm the effectiveness of green tea conclusively. With that in mind, experts point out that green tea is beneficial in the treatment of various kinds of health conditions.

Green tea is regarded as beneficial to the heart. You'll be able to lower your hazards of acquiring heart disease and strokes by enjoying green tea. In addition it lowers cholesterol. Tea producers were promoting to label their products as great for the heart but the FDA did not concur. Printing health assertions on labeling is serious business and the Food and Drug Administration is naturally being cautious.

The effects of green tea in human beings with cancer have been extensively analyzed. Conflicting results have already been reported, however. With that being said, clinical studies on animals definitely show that green tea is potent in dealing with cancer.

When wishing to lose fat, green tea is likewise witnessed to help. The different scientific tests done to learn the impact of green tea on weight loss, however, are inconsistent. There are also some scientific studies that say that green tea is helpful in fighting diabetes. Again, final results of these scientific studies are not conclusive when it comes to humans.

You must drink at least 3 servings of tea regularly to gain the best health advantages. Incorporating milk in your green tea is said to prevent green tea from becoming effective but this is not conclusive either. The caffeine found in green tea may be transferred to breast milk and so expecting and breastfeeding mothers are urged to not drink green tea. You can find additional information about green tea from websites that focus on natural remedies.

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