30 Days to a Diabetes-Free Life

Despite what You’ve been Told – You CAN Reverse Diabetes Permanently – and You Don’t Need Insulin Shots

In just 30 days from today you could be enjoying a life without diabetes.

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It really is a miracle how this works and you owe it to yourself to check it out.

The clock is ticking – if you start right now you’ll have only 29 more days to kick diabetes out of your life. Click here to learn how.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Road Food - It Doesn't Have to Be Unhealthy

By Jim Duffy

There's a new breed of Road Warrior on the country's highways and back roads. These are people on serious missions; speeding from one stop to another. They communicate with sophisticated mobile devices and close business deals from coffee houses. Chances are you are one of these busy folks. It seems that many of us spend more time on the road these days than ever before. From high priority business meetings to the kids sports practices, there is always somewhere to be. This kind of lifestyle may have transformed many of us into super-efficient workers, but our diets have completely crumbled in the process. Many of us get by on "Road Food" every day. We eat diets filled with fast-food takeout and breakfasts purchased at the local gas station store. When you think about the high calorie, low nutrient content of this road food, it's no wonder that so many people struggle to lose weight and get in shape.

Road Food as a Lifestyle

It used to be that people only ate junk food once in a while. It's strange that so many people know the importance of eating well, yet choose to eat road food nearly every day. What people may not realize is that when you stop a few times a week to pick up a doughnut or some other road food, a pattern is being created. Humans are creatures of habit and those patterns soon become a habit. If someone eats a poor diet, filled with road food choices several times a week, it doesn't take long for obesity and other health problems to develop. People don't get overweight in a day or two. The nutrition and exercise choices that we make every day have a cumulative effect. Eating road food several times a week may not make you fat immediately, but if you give it a few months, you may notice that you are having a hard time fitting into your clothes. Poor lifestyle and diet choices are deadly because they sneak up on you over time.

If you eat road food and other poor quality foods several times a week, it's time to break those patterns and habits before it's too late. Poor dietary habits are the precursors to lots of potentially deadly diseases. Diabetes, heart disease and other deadly health conditions can be prevented for lots of people simply by changing diet and exercise habits. Even if you're busy and can't find the time to eat anything other than road food, there is a healthier way to do it that will help you to increase lean body mass and burn body fat. It's time to find some healthy road food to replace the empty calories that are so readily available at fast food joints and convenience stores.

Healthy Road Food

It's simple to eat healthy road food; it just takes a little bit of preparation. Fast food restaurants and convenience stores do have healthier alternatives to the typical junk food. For this healthy road food diet, though, you are going to try to avoid those places as much as possible. It's easy to go into a fast food restaurant with intentions of getting a salad and get overwhelmed by the smell of French fries and hamburgers. Don't subject yourself to this kind of temptation. Even people that are in excellent physical condition can find themselves struggling with temptation at a fast food restaurant. Make a decision to avoid the sources of bad road food temptation before you even walk out the door in the morning. It might be your routine now to stop and get a greasy breakfast sandwich, but by making a decision and sticking with it - one day at a time - you will be developing healthy new eating habits.

Once you've made the decision to stay away from the fast food stops and convenience stores, it's time to equip yourself with some healthy road food. A cooler is going to be your storehouse to keep all of your healthy road food. Invest in a nice cooler that keeps your foods cool and has plenty of storage room. The road food you choose should vary from day to day so that you will not fall into a diet rut that will exasperate you with boredom. The individual foods you choose should include lots of lean proteins, whole grain breads and cereals, and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Mix up your road food selections every few days so that you are getting a good variety of nutrients in your diet.

Supplements can be a big help when you're trying to get your healthy road food plan into action. Protein bars are a great healthy road food that you can take with you anywhere. You don't even need a cooler to take some protein bars along with you. Stick a few bars in your briefcase or computer bag at the beginning of the week. If you find yourself craving some junk food while you're on your commute to work, dip into your bag and have a healthy, protein filled bar instead. Learn to recognize the triggers that make you go after poor quality road food and react by eating healthier food choices. Developing healthy habits is a journey of many steps. As you make an effort each day to eat healthier foods while you're on the road, you'll soon find that you are in the habit of every day healthy eating.

If you have serious fitness goals and want to add some muscle and burn some fat, you should also take along some protein drinks, like Profect, for a healthy road food that will give you plenty of high quality protein in a flash. Ready-to-drink liquid, protein shots, like Profect and Proasis are ideal for today's road warriors. You can pop a few of them in your cooler and keep some in the refrigerator at work. If you find yourself in a serious pinch for time and don't have time to eat a healthy meal at home, crack open a Profect protein drink and you'll avoid the temptation to eat the typical road food junk. The super-busy lifestyle isn't going to slow down any time soon. Simplify your life and turbo charge your fitness routine by sticking to a diet that is filled with healthy road food that is full of protein, vitamins, and other essential nutrients. Your body will thank you for changing up your busy routine.

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