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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Are You Concerned About High Blood Pressure

By David Brown

High blood pressure is a prevalent health concern and it is highly likely that you are at risk to have it. There are numerous daily habits that you might not even be aware of that can raise your blood pressure. Being obese is one of the more common reasons that men and women have to contend with high blood pressure. It's crucial that you check your blood pressure regularly and if it goes above 120/80 you have to start doing things to help control it.

Starting an exercise routine and eating healthier food are a few good changes to make. You could reduce your blood pressure just by shedding ten pounds. You don't even have to have an awful diet, if you are typically not physically active you'll still gain pounds and raise your blood pressure. You should have some type of physical activity in your daily life--particularly if your blood pressure starts to creep upwards. Just 30 minutes of physical activity every day can help your body and greatly reduce your blood pressure.

If you are at all worried about being healthy, you need to be taking in healthy foods. Being unhealthy, as well as having hypertension, are usually directly related to the food you take in. To lower your BP, you should add more fruits and veggies to your diet, in addition to eating less salt or sodium. Yet another way to be at risk for hypertension, is to use tobacco products, so it is advisable for you to quit as early as you can. When people begin smoking cigarettes, most of them probably never even consider that it can result in high blood pressure, or even check it frequently to find out how it is doing. The bad news is that elevated blood pressure can be brought on by all sorts of bad lifestyle choices.

One more factor might be stress, which is one of the major contributors to hypertension. Everybody has pressure within their lives and that pressure typically results in stress which is something everybody deals with a little bit differently. Many people drink, smoke, overeat or any number of things to deal with the stress that's been affecting them. It might do a little good on a short-term basis, but long-term, it is elevated blood pressure, and what it leads to, waiting to happen. When you're younger, it may seem that you can do anything you wish and it won't have an effect on your health but the truth is that ultimately you will think back and wish that you had done things a little differently. When you become afflicted with ailments that can relate to high blood pressure that are brought on by your lifestyle choices, you will regret those choices.

Consider the folks your life who are older and compare the health they have now with the life they have lived. Find the ones you would like to end up like, and see what type of things they did. Find people who are not on blood pressure drugs to keep their BP normal.

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