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Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Potential Stevia Side Effects

By Jean Phillips

Stevia has been toured as a natural substitute for sugar and artificial sweeteners. Since it is several times sweeter than sugar, less of it can be used. This means less calories consumed and a lessened chance of obesity and other conditions caused by obesity. But there are also some stevia side effects that users should know about.

Feeling like you want to vomit is awful, but usually only temporary as in the case here. Nausea is one possible inconvenient effect. Bloating doesn't necessarily hurt but it can be very inconvenient. You may have to wear bigger clothes for awhile and not feel good about it, but this is also temporary.

Those allergic to ragweed and similar plants may find that it triggers an allergic reaction in them. These reactions can be mild to moderate or even severe. It all depends on how sensitive the person is to ragweed and how mild or severe their usual reactions are. Daisy, chrysanthemum and even marigold allergies may also be triggered.

Diabetes is a serious health problem plaguing many. Certain foods can make your blood pressure spike, exacerbating an already dangerous condition. Some clinical trials show a spike in blood sugar while others do not. Even in the face of conflicting evidence, see your doctor before using stevia and check your blood sugar often if you choose to use it.

Dizziness and muscle aches are another potential side effect. These side effects are rare but some person are very sensitive to them. If dizziness occurs for a prolonged amount of time, see a doctor. Muscle aches are temporary but can be painful. Discontinue use if any of these occur, even if the symptoms are mild.

If you have low blood pressure, certain foods can make the condition worse. Sweeteners are one of those foods, so a doctor should always be consulted in cases before using a new one like stevia. There is conflicting evidence about how this may effect low blood pressure, but it is better to be safe than sorry.

Though not very common, there are some stevia side effects that can occur. Those with diabetes, low blood pressure or certain allergies would do best to either avoid using stevia or only using with a doctor's permission. For the vast majority though, it is perfectly safe to use. Even the U. S. Government agreed, saying it is safe for human consumption.

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