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Friday, March 16, 2012

Diabetes and Diabetic Amyotrophy

By Douglas Kidder

There are several types of diabetic neuropathy and diabetic amyotrophy is one of them. The disorder that affects the parts of the nervous system other than the brain and the spinal cord or the peripheral nervous system is called neuropathy. Here are the types of diabetic neuropathy:

1. Autonomic Neuropathy - autonomous parts of the body are affected and are the most commonly internal organs like bladders, intestines, heart, lungs and even the eyes and sex organs.

2. Peripheral Neuropathy - This affects the nerve ending of the limbs. It usually starts from the toes, up the legs, the fingers, up to the arms.

3. Mononeuropathy - A disorder that damages a certain nerve in the body. It could strike any nerve, temporary and extremely painful.

4. Diabetic Amyotrophy - this usually occurs in older patients and with Type 2 diabetics.

Unlike the most common diabetic neuropathy that starts from the ends of the limbs, diabetic amyotrophy starts from the mid section of the body, most commonly in the hip, buttocks or in the thigh. Patients will most likely suffer from severe and sudden pain, usually on one side of the body. The pain will gradually increase in intensity and will start to cover both sides of the body and will travel down the limbs. Patients will also experience slight feeling of numbness, abdominal swelling, and weight loss and weakened or atrophied muscles. The progression usually lasts for six months and the condition of the patient will improve over the next two to three years.

Diabetic amyotrophy is most common with people who have Type 2 diabetes. What is diabetes? Diabetes is a disorder affecting the metabolism or the body's process of digesting food and turning it into usable energy. The food eaten is turned into sugar or glucose which is then absorbed by the body through the use of insulin produced by our pancreas. People with diabetes do not produce enough insulin, do not produce insulin at all or their insulin is not working to absorb the sugar in the blood.

Type 1 diabetics aren't producing the needed insulin at all. This disorder is usually developed while young. Type 2 diabetes is the result of the patients' lifestyle and gradually develops over the years of adulthood. With Type 2 diabetes, the insulin production is disrupted resulting to the deficiency. Inability to absorb the glucose will increase the sugar level in the blood dangerously. Insulin shots are needed to stabilize the sugar levels. Diabetes is incurable and symptoms can only be controlled with insulin shots, medicines and proper diet.

Both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes diet should be maintained. As all diets, healthy foods rich in carbohydrates, starches and fibers are recommended. Vegetables and fruits should be taken in abundance. To be avoided are processed meats, fatty diary products and sweets.

Maintaining a healthy body is the best way to avoid developing the type 2 diabetes. Excessive alcohol drinking, smoking and other vices should also be avoided. Exercising and living an active lifestyle is also important as obesity is a major factor to Type 2 diabetes. Everyone should regularly be tested for the glucose tolerance test. This is to ensure early detection and prevention of developing the Type 2 diabetes and avoidance from the diabetic amyotrophy.

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