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Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Truth about the Diabetes Cinnamon Link

By Brandon Foo

Cinnamon is a popular food spice in the Middle East and parts of Asia. It is gotten the bark of the cinnamon tree that is commonly found in Asia. There have been discussions about the effects of cinnamon on fats and blood sugar levels, some people saying that cinnamon can help regulate glucose in blood while others denying its effectiveness in doing so. This article seeks to put clear the link between cinnamon and diabetes.

It is not right to assume that cinnamon does not have any influence on blood sugar merely on the bases that it is easily found. Knowing the ingredients of cinnamon and their influence on the various body processes could help us determine how helpful the substance is. Studies have been done that aimed at establishing the truth in the claims about cinnamon and diabetes and much more of these studies will help people understand better.

Insulin is an important chemical that helps regulate the level of glucose in our bodies. MHCP is an ingredient that has been found in cinnamon and is known to increase the effectiveness of important fats called insulin receptors. These effects of the MHCP therefore are important in regulating the blood sugar in the body.

Additionally, cinnamon triggers the pancreas to produce more insulin. This effect is particularly important to people suffering from diabetes of type 2, whose pancreas produces insulin in such small quantities that it becomes ineffective in regulating the glucose levels. Type 1 diabetics may not benefit from this effect as their pancreas produces no insulin at all.

Some studies have found out that cinnamon may act in a similar manner to insulin. That means that cinnamon sometimes performs the important functions that insulin does. It is sort of a mimicking action in that the effects of cinnamon may not be as pronounced and effective as those of insulin.

Cinnamon is also found to aid the digestion process in some way. It regulates the rate at which digestion takes place thereby making reducing the amount of sugar that goes to the blood. It also helps the sugar to break up easily hence bringing down the amount of sugar in the blood.

Cinnamon has for a long time been used as an additive to food to improve taste. It is commonly added in tea, daily meals and even cakes. While this is done, the people using it do it just for the same reason they add other food spices without any medical intentions. Many of them may have benefited from the medicinal value of the substance even without their knowledge. However, since the discovery of its importance and effectiveness, cinnamon is today used by some people purely for medicinal purposes.

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