30 Days to a Diabetes-Free Life

Despite what You’ve been Told – You CAN Reverse Diabetes Permanently – and You Don’t Need Insulin Shots

In just 30 days from today you could be enjoying a life without diabetes.

It’s true.

You see, there’s a new report that tells you exactly how to reverse your diabetes – or anyone’s for that matter – naturally. With no insulin injections, and no constant blood-sugar-checking.

It really is a miracle how this works and you owe it to yourself to check it out.

The clock is ticking – if you start right now you’ll have only 29 more days to kick diabetes out of your life. Click here to learn how.

Monday, April 2, 2012

High Cholesterol and Type 2 Diabetes Medicine Gains FDA Approval

By Dr. Paul Conley

Using simvastatin complimented with sitagliptin, drug manufacturer Merck has received approval from America's Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to provide a new treatment, Juvisync, for relief in patients with Type 2 Diabetes. The prescription reduces glucose all the while also lowering cholesterol levels, effectively treating twostrenuous medical issues at once in contrast to just treating diabetes with simvastatin.

Simvastatin and Sitagliptin To Treat Two Conditions In One PillPill

"We are excited to bring forward a good option that will help patients who need both glycemic and lipid therapy," asserts Barry Goldstein, Vice President of Diabetes and Endocrinology at Merck. "Clinical suggestions put folks with Type 2 Diabetes[SM1] who want glycemic and lipid care at the same risk level as those with coronary heart problems, but virtually 40% of eligible patients do not receive statin treatment."

Type 2 Diabetes is a condition that's experienced by around 20 million people in the US alone, and, being linked to obesity , is believed to be on the increase around the globe. In a vast number of cases, type 2 diabetes is accompanied by high cholesterol levels, making the demand for one treatment that may help with both conditions.

Simvastatin is a potent medication that can significantly reduce your cholesterol level and lessen the likelihood of deadly complications.

Simvastatin - Proven Medicine For High Cholesterol

When someone is afflicted with High Cholesterol, the cholesterol produced in the liver is too much for the body to process, and ends up lining the interior of imperative arteries and arteries. Statins like Simvastatin inhibit the amount of cholesterol produced, therefore decreasing the risk of a deadly increase.

Do you like the concept of reducing the number of individual pills that diabetes sufferers need to take? Have you tried statin treatment for high cholesterol and, if this is so did simvastatin work for you? For Type 2 Diabets sufferers, the approval of the Simvastian - Sitglipton represents an important discovery.

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