30 Days to a Diabetes-Free Life

Despite what You’ve been Told – You CAN Reverse Diabetes Permanently – and You Don’t Need Insulin Shots

In just 30 days from today you could be enjoying a life without diabetes.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Lose Body Fat With Weight Loss Psychology

By James Parker

Almost anybody can lose weight. Yet, the fact is, winners remain the minority and failure resides with the majority. In fact, weight loss success rates remain so extremely rare that many individuals hardly ever even bother to attempt losing weight at all.

For severely overweight individuals that have failed to see results from diet and exercise alone, weight-loss surgery has become the safest and most effective means of achieving significant weight loss. In fact, studies have shown that with diet and exercise alone, nearly 95% of obese patients will gain all the lost weight back within 5 years.

Textbook Weight Loss Definition: The textbook definition of losing Weight entails using up calories BEYOND what you normally expend. Thousands of people hold misrepresented or misshapen ideas about what weight loss comprises. For example, an all too common weight loss mistake that's easy for you to make is failing to move outside of your comfort zone.

The greatest difference between mere physical activation and exercise itself is this: Physical activity includes virtually ANYTHING you might do, watching TV, cooking dinner, sewing, going to the movies, talking on the phone, taking a shower, etc. However, basically none of these burn the significant calorie amounts needed to lose body fat.

The definition of overall FITNESS carries with it the concept of change. Consider burning body fat as a way of making your body change. When you burn body fat successfully, you also achieve a much higher fitness level. Would you like to briefly explore why the above weight loss fitness fact is true? Okay, here's the quick explanation. Intensive Movement Willpower - Your Body Fat Removal Key

Therefore, the bottom line on the physical side of weight loss is this - move hard enough to cause constant and deep breathing without fatigue... and simply keep moving for as long as possible. FYI: The average adult heart rate associated with such body fat achievement is around 119 beats per minute. (It can be lower or higher, depending on your conditioning.) Yet, you can still fail at losing weight unless you COUPLE your physical attack with a meaningful, personalized understanding of weight loss PSYCHOLOGY.

You need an energy output of about 500 calories each day to lose approximately one pound of fat per week. That's because one pound of fat, in one sense, "weighs" 3,500 calories.

So, look at this weight loss body fat fact again... if you desire to lose one pound of fat, you merely need to expend 500 calories per day for one week. That's it. Sounds so simple, direct, and straightforward, right? And, the method truly is a clear one. Yet, why do so many find this difficult to do? The answer to that lies in the realm of psychological versus physiological weight loss development.

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