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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Scientific Ways of Diagnosing Diabetes

By Douglas Kidder

There are proper procedures of diagnosing diabetes. To ensure correctness of the procedure and accuracy of result as well as the safety of the patient, medical assistance is encouraged. Seek the help and opinion of trained professionals.

So what is diabetes? This is the condition of the body unable to control glucose level in the blood due to inadequacy or inefficacy of insulin. Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes and is due to the failure of insulin to affect the absorption of the glucose in the blood. The body's inability to produce enough insulin is the Type 1 diabetes and is acquired while young. Another common type of diabetes is the gestational diabetes acquired by foetuses while still inside their mothers' womb.

Type 2 diabetes comprises 90% of the total cases of diabetes, resulting from unhealthy eating habits and overall lifestyle. This diabetes type could lead to damages nerves, heart and kidney diseases and the painful diabetic amyotrophy. Type 2 diabetes is very controllable and can be easily avoided. Below are the causes that can be avoided:

1. Diet of unhealthy foods 2. Smoking 3. Obesity 4. Inappropriate use of drugs 5. Lethargic lifestyle 6. Excessive alcoholic drinking

Type 2 diabetes is developed over time. Here are some symptoms that indicate the need to properly diagnosing diabetes:

1. Insatiable hunger and thirst 2. Fatigue 3. Dry mouth 4. Gradual blindness 5. Yeast infections 6. Pestering sores, blisters and wounds 7. Frequent urination 8. Darkening of the skin around the groin area, armpits and neck 9. Drastic weight gain or loss

The most common medical procedures of diagnosing diabetes are:

1. FPG or Fasting Plasma Glucose Test - Also called the fasting blood glucose test, this is usually the first test administered to patient as it is more convenient and less expensive. After the required fasting period, blood samples will be taken. Healthy level of glucose is 99mg or lower for every deciliter of blood. 100-125mg of glucose already indicates pre-diabetes or the condition of borderline diabetes. Over 125mg is an indication of diabetes. This will further be confirmed by the OGTT.

2. Oral Glucose Tolerance Test - This type of test for diagnosing diabetes is more reliable than the FPG. This also requires fasting of at least eight hour. After the fasting period, the patient will be given a dose of glucose. Several blood testing will be performed at timed intervals. The purpose of the test is to determine how fast the body absorbs the infused glucose. Patients taking the test should be in perfect health, and normally active. To ensure accurate results, aside from the strict fasting, smoking and drinking coffee is also not allowed. The blood samples taken after 2hrs should indicate glucose level of below 140mg to be considered healthy. 140-199mg is already a pre-diabetes level and 200mg and above indicates diabetes.

Patients within the pre-diabetes level have increased risk of developing full blown Type 2 diabetes. In order to reverse the condition, the patient should follow the type 2 diabetes diet of foods low in cholesterol. It is always best to avoid developing diabetes, but if symptoms are indicative, diagnosing diabetes early will help in proper treatment and possible reversal of the disease.

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