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Despite what You’ve been Told – You CAN Reverse Diabetes Permanently – and You Don’t Need Insulin Shots

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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Realistic and All-inclusive Low Cholesterol Food List

By Douglas Kidder

The reason why it is better to go for an individually designed low cholesterol food list and diet is to make it easier on the dieter, eliminate the feeling of deprivation and instil the more positive feeling of succeeding on the diet. A diet strictly of foods low in cholesterol might not be the best way on how to control cholesterol builds up in the body. The low cholesterol food list below is an example of a more realistic diet:

1. No Cholesterol Foods - All plant foods are cholesterol free. Some might be high in oil and calorie content but oils from plants are the good and healthy oil and those high in calorie content like avocadoes and bananas are relatively filling. You can indulge foods in this list. Try to incorporate plant foods in your entire menu, and in coming up with low cholesterol recipes.

a. Fruits - Avocado, orange, mango, all kinds of berries, grapefruit, watermelon, pineapple and peach.

b. Vegetables - Cabbage, Spinach, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Kale, Carrots, Squash, Mushrooms, Lettuce, Corn, Cucumber, Turnips, Peppers, Olives, Onions and Tomatoes

c. Legumes, Peas and Beans - Lima, Pinto, White, Black Eyed Peas, Split, Mung, Chickpeas, Soy, Lentils and Kidney Beans.

d. Herbs and Spices - Chilli, peppers, garlic, vanilla, basil, cloves, chives, sage, dill and rosemary.

e. Grains and Cereals - Whole wheat, bran, oat, barley, quinoa, rice and bulgur.

2. Cholesterol Lowering Foods - Foods in this list are effective help on how to lower cholesterol naturally. That is a distinction from just being low in cholesterol content. Aside from the olive oil and nuts, dieters are encouraged to eat as much food from this list as they like.

- Apples, all nuts, garlic, fish, brown rice, olive oil, oatmeal, cinnamon and soybeans.

3. Healthy Foods with Considerable Cholesterol Content - These are relatively healthy foods but are heavy on cholesterol. Limit consumption to two or three servings a week. You can also opt to find healthier substitutes for some of them.

- Lean red meat, eggs, skinless poultry meat, cheese, milk, yogurt, chocolates

4. Cheat Foods - This list should be the shortest. Limit your entries to those that you foods that you consider your frivolous indulgence.

- Duck liver pate, ice cream, double cheese burger, cream cheese pie and lobsters.

This diet plan is not for everybody. This was designed to a person who has started on packing extra weigh but is otherwise healthy and leads an active lifestyle. You can talk to your doctor to discuss ways on how to lower cholesterol naturally and to provide you with a suitable low cholesterol food list and diet. He knows your medical condition and therefore is the best person for the job, together with a nutritionist.

Always strive for a balanced diet. You should always try to follow your low cholesterol food list, but do not deprive yourself from enjoying the food you love, at least once in a while.

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