30 Days to a Diabetes-Free Life

Despite what You’ve been Told – You CAN Reverse Diabetes Permanently – and You Don’t Need Insulin Shots

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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Superfoods For Diabetes - The Best Ones Available

By Art Shilleh

Anyone who has diabetes must pay close attention to his or her diet. Any food that causes rapid fluctuations in blood sugar can trigger symptoms. Foods that cause spikes in blood sugar include processed carbohydrates, sugar and most junk foods. Superfoods, or foods that contain large amounts of essential nutrients, can help you manage diabetes. If you eat more of the superfoods we'll be discussing in this article, you'll find that they can help you maintain your blood sugar at healthy levels.

Yogurt is a healthy food for anyone to consume, and can be useful to diabetics in several ways. If you would like to lose weight, or at least maintain a certain weight, yogurt is an excellent calcium-rich food that you should eat together with green coffee bean extract every day. Anyone with diabetes will be concerned about such issues. Calcium is also great for preventing insulin resistance which can impair your ability to process insulin the right way.

You may not think of beans as a superfood, but when you consider their nutritional makeup, they really do qualify. Beans, which contain lots of protein and fiber, can be easily incorporated into many meals. In certain studies it was proven that if people eat enough beans, they don't require as much insulin to treat their diabetes. Beans, of course, are not just one food but a whole category that includes dozens other types. There are hundreds of different recipes from every corner of the world that include beans. Lentils are one of the healthiest types of beans, and you can make many different dishes with them. Aside from lentil soup, lentil is used in many Middle Eastern recipes. There are also pinto beans, black beans and many other varieties to choose from. If you don't presently consume many beans, you should consider adding this extremely nutritious superfood to your diet. Avoiding all foods that contain sugar is something that many people believe all diabetics should do. Contrary to this belief, certain foods that have sugar should also be consumed in moderation. What you should look out for are foods with a low glycemic index or G.I. when searching for carbs to eat. Avoiding things like white sugar and white flour (processed carbs) is actually what you need to stay away from. If you like sweet potatoes, they have a very low G.I., and is something you want to eat. Even though they are sweeter than potatoes in general, they do not raise your blood sugar very much at all. A great source of fiber, you should eat these regularly. One of the best sweet foods, other than sweet potatoes, are beets which are full of lipoic acid and other antioxidants.

Salads with leafy green vegetables are an excellent healthy choice as well. Diabetics can really benefit from this particular meal, something that nutritionists recommend, specifically at least a serving a day. Broccoli is a highly nutritious superfood that you should consider eating regularly. Swiss chard, spinach and kale are also good choices. Asparagus is another very healthy vegetable that's low in carbs and high in fiber and B vitamins. In fact, you should replace your daily intake of bread, or pasta (which are processed carbohydrates) with leafy green vegetables instead.

As you can see, one of the best ways to control your diabetes is to add superfoods to your diet every day. Your diet is something that you should always enhance. On top of the medications you are already taking, you can maintain your health by adding the superfoods every day. It's also essential to get regular exercise.

It is recommended that you add healthy superfoods to your diet on a regular basis, plus utilize the tips we have presented to you when you shop for this food.

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