30 Days to a Diabetes-Free Life

Despite what You’ve been Told – You CAN Reverse Diabetes Permanently – and You Don’t Need Insulin Shots

In just 30 days from today you could be enjoying a life without diabetes.

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Sunday, October 21, 2012

The First Steps Towards Total Recovery From Alcohol Addiction

By Jason Matthews

If you find yourself having difficulties getting through one day without a drop of alcohol, you may as well acknowledge that you have a drinking problem. Alcohol addiction is considered a disease, one that is also treatable. In order to succeed in the treatment of alcohol addiction, though, the person with the affliction should want to be cured of it. Accepting that there is indeed a drinking problem and consequently wanting to be purged of this addiction would be the first steps that could set the person or the alcoholic on his way to recovery. But this is quite a monumental task that would normally take quite a while. A person who wants to help someone be cured of alcohol addiction should have the proper knowledge on how to handle the situation and the person with the goal of wooing him into kicking the habit.

It is sometimes difficult to recognize alcoholism for what it is in the beginning since there aren't a lot of negative outcomes or results associated with it. Play it by ear first. Keep a close watch and let things progress for a bit, eventually pouncing when the right opportunity comes to point out the negative results associated with the alcohol addiction. Make it clear to him that whatever happens will be on him, so he has to face the problem head on. Do not be ready to offer help when they call. In this way, the addicted person will realize early on that his actions affect everyone around him, not only himself or herself, as the case may be.

Make it so that your efforts to help the person change his alcohol addicted ways will not be clear or obvious to him or her. But you should be careful in your approach, when to speak and when to stay silent. Know when to press on, and when to take a step back. This is to avoid appearing judgmental, especially to that specific person. During the times when they are drunk, make sure to talk to them normally, especially if you know they can hear and understand you all right. When they are sober, talk to them as well. Remember to give an ear to the person and listen to what they say, whether they do not or do accept that they have an alcohol addiction problem.

Do this patiently and you are bound to get through, even a little. Take advantage of this opportunity until such time that they get around to admitting that they need help. Here, you can start suggesting the treatments for alcohol addiction. At this stage, you'd require the help of someone who knows a lot of things about alcoholism and the issues that go along with it. You are an integral player in the alcohol addict's battle against alcoholism and his journey towards complete recovery. One ideal way to assist him would be to sign him with the Alcoholics Anonymous program. Make sure that you accompany him during the first sessions. You don't have to go with him all the time. There comes a point when you have to step back and let him continue attending the sessions alone.

It pays to keep in mind that relapses may be inevitable for some people. The best thing you could do, really, is to stay behind them, constantly reminding them not to give in to it, and praising them for their positive advances. The treatment for alcoholic addiction takes time and the road to recovery is a long and winding one. Hence, you should be patient with the addicted person and let the process take its due course.

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