30 Days to a Diabetes-Free Life

Despite what You’ve been Told – You CAN Reverse Diabetes Permanently – and You Don’t Need Insulin Shots

In just 30 days from today you could be enjoying a life without diabetes.

It’s true.

You see, there’s a new report that tells you exactly how to reverse your diabetes – or anyone’s for that matter – naturally. With no insulin injections, and no constant blood-sugar-checking.

It really is a miracle how this works and you owe it to yourself to check it out.

The clock is ticking – if you start right now you’ll have only 29 more days to kick diabetes out of your life. Click here to learn how.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Inflicted with the Incurable Disease

By Karryah Olora

The news about my pregnancy made me very happy. I got in touch with my physician and she recommended that I go undergo a series of blood tests. The process went well; I experienced all the probable signs of pregnancy as it was my first time to get pregnant just like what the books says. I had been very fond of chocolates and cakes however this time I feel sick eating them. It was during my second trimester that my appetite returned and this went on until my seventh month of pregnancy. I would just eat and sleep and was too lazy to move making my state as an alibi. I was feeling incontinent and tired if I'll just walk a few steps.

As a result, I obtained yeast infections, was overwhelmed with fatigue and became too irritable and not in the mood. All this symptoms were probably because of hyperglycemia according to my mother who experienced the same symptoms being a diabetic herself for quite a long time. I took a routine test necessary for pregnant women to undergo, OGTT or Oral Glucose Tolerance Test. I was made to drink 200ml of water plus 75g of glucose powder. They instructed me to remain thereafter to draw blood three times for three consecutive hours. I was having scared thoughts of what ifs through out the entire time. I cannot accept the fact that having Diabetes might be a possibility.

I got the results and they turned out positive. I was shocked in disbelief knowing diabetes got the better of me. I immediately consulted my physician and informed her of the results. I scheduled an appointment with an endocrinologist to discuss management of my condition with the use of insulin. I had to keep track of my blood sugar values each time I check myself. This was to prevent dire consequences of having diabetes during pregnancy which includes having a macrosomic baby and a possible C-section. I feared for the worst so it was really hard for me to accept it all. I was put on diet restrictions and management. I had an appointment with a nutritionist and briefed me with allowable food exchanges. I fed on organic, raw and unprocessed food choices which is low caloric and low in carbs. Even bitter gourd which used to make me gag had to be in daily menu. I checked my blood sugar level every morning, injected insulin and had random blood checks.

This same scenario went on until I delivered my baby, however, it felt like forever to me. All was worth it when my baby came out healthy and free of complications. Increase in blood sugar levels usually reverts back to normal as soon as the baby comes out according to my doctor. I took another OGTT test six weeks later and had Hemoglobin A1c to validate whether it was gestational diabetes or it had stayed in my system. I was so relieved to know the results were normal.

The experience made me realize how important diet and exercise are in order for us to remain disease-free. Not only that; the cost of medical examinations, lab works and medications are just too much. It will bleed you dry. I am positive that those suffering from Diabetes would give anything to reverse their condition because as of the moment there is no cure for the disease. What people need is valuable and solid information; not bogus medical breakthroughs and elixirs. I'm talking about raw and natural, readily available and within our grasp.

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