30 Days to a Diabetes-Free Life

Despite what You’ve been Told – You CAN Reverse Diabetes Permanently – and You Don’t Need Insulin Shots

In just 30 days from today you could be enjoying a life without diabetes.

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The clock is ticking – if you start right now you’ll have only 29 more days to kick diabetes out of your life. Click here to learn how.

Monday, October 10, 2011

What The Diabetic Diet Can Do For You

By Athena Hunter

Diabetes is a challenging illness that affects a very large number of people. People with diabetes, and anyone who has a disorder involving blood sugar levels, has to be extra careful about how they eat. Of course your doctor will give you professional advice concerning your diet. But some people find themselves straying from the ideal eating habits that will help them. Many people have successfully managed their diabetes with a combination of medical help and a healthy diet. Diabetes is serious disease, but you can lessen many of its symptoms by making some modifications in your diet, as we'll be covering in this article.

Following this diet helps diabetics control their blood sugar levels. Because carbohydrates impact blood sugar levels the most, diabetics need to watch their overall carb consumption. To learn more about the diabetic diet, keep reading.

One component of the diabetic diet approach is the ABC component. The goal is to create healthy levels of cardiovascular functions and blood chemistry. Blood sugar levels, measured over a three month average, are part of the A factor done with a hemoglobin A1c test. What is referred to as the B component measures your blood pressure. Your cholesterol levels are measured by the C component that takes into account HDL and LDL levels The healthy region of this test will have all three factors in the green.

It's critical to limit the amount of highly processed foods you eat because they are typically high in calories, sugars, and saturated fats. Diabetics really need to be careful to avoid gaining weight. White, refined sugar is highly processed and essentially contains empty calories. Empty calories are almost immediately converted into fat and have no nutritional value. Burning them is the only way to prevent that from happening. So start reading the labels on everything you buy.

It is a good idea to consider the use of artificial sweeteners when you have diabetes. Using these sugar substitutes, additional carbohydrates will be limited in your diet every day. The use of artificial sweeteners is not a guarantee that extra carbohydrates will not enter your system. Getting into the habit of looking at food labels before purchasing or preparing food will help you prevent extra carbs from getting in your diet. A table for glycemic indexes should be consulted any time you are using an artificial sweetener. When cutting back on the carbohydrates in all of your meals, pay close attention to the gram amounts of carbohydrates per serving.

One diet that's often recommended for diabetics and anyone with high cholesterol is the TLC diet. By following this diet, you can bring your cholesterol under control, which is especially important for diabetics. While you're watching your diet, of course, you should also be making other changes that will support this. By exercising consistently, you can help to reduce your weight as well as your cholesterol levels and blood pressure. You don't want to decrease all types of cholesterol, only the "bad" kind, or LDL. At the same time you want to raise levels of HDL, or good, cholesterol. Your doctor will give you plenty of advice if you have diabetes, and this should always be your main source of help. You can manage the illness so that it doesn't limit your enjoyment of life. It's crucial to monitor your diet at all times, as this can be a major factor in how well you manage your illness. As a diabetic, you have to become something of an expert on nutrition by necessity. You may or may not want to stick to one diet for all time. The real issue is watching your blood sugar levels and finding out how to stabilize them.

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