30 Days to a Diabetes-Free Life

Despite what You’ve been Told – You CAN Reverse Diabetes Permanently – and You Don’t Need Insulin Shots

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Diabetes Diet Can Help You Manage Better

By Warren Tattersall

Most diabetics after diagnosis leave the hospital with a list of do's and don'ts. On that list, you are bound to find something on diets. Read it, memorize it; because that is going to be how you live your life from that day henceforth. And it's very important to really adhere to these. It doesn't matter how much you love eating friend chicken. If it's on the list as one of those things to avoid, then you have to pay attention to and adhere to this if you are serious about living longer and healthier, that is.

There are foods you can eat that lower your tolerance for proteins. You need to identify these foods and not eat them so often. Added to the fruit and vegetables you are going to have to eat a lot of from now on, that is an added way to manage your diabetes diet.

See your diabetes diet not as a pain in the neck, but as a blessing. The doctor has found out why you have been ill all this time, and had prescribed that you go easy on some foods, and indulge in others for your own health. You should be grateful, not gloomy.

Foods that are apt to lower your tolerance for proteins are not healthy for you when you suffer from diabetes. Get a list of them from a dietician and let your wife have them. Those are the foods you don't want to be eating a lot of since you suffer from diabetes.

In truth, the doctor does not have the time to run you article by article through the foods that you can eat, and the foods that you can't because you suffer from diabetes. You are the person who is going to have to do some research on your own and discover what all those minerals and diet constituents translate into. So go online now and find that out.

Whatever you do as a diabetic, you cannot be guilty of chronic overeating. This is what got you sick in the first place; the doctor ought to have told you by now, don't eat too much. Eat small from time to time; say about three to four meals a day. Stay healthy in spite of the disease.

When you think of milk in a diabetes diet, you need to be thinking skim milk and not whole cream milk. In the same sense, everything else; you need to think low-calorie, low-fat. Seriously - you shouldn't take tips like this lightly. You should begin to get very serious about what you should eat and what you shouldn't eat.

When you get your list of 'new' meals for a diabetes diet I suggest that you write them all down in a list. And ask the doctor to specify how far you can starch your choices. Then break them down into days of the week and meals of the day. And when you cook make a feast of each meal! It doesn't all have to end because you can't ever eat a king's burger.

As a diabetic, you need much fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Some of them contain sugar and starch, and you should keep those to the minimum so that you don't react adversely. Otherwise, indulge yourself away; life can still be fun, even with diabetes.

Glucose is the sugar in your food that your system cannot handle when you have diabetes. This is happening because the insulin you need is either not being produced, or not being handled well by your system. You can try for other sugars in your diet, such as fructose, found in fresh fruits. Those don't need insulin for absorption.

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