30 Days to a Diabetes-Free Life

Despite what You’ve been Told – You CAN Reverse Diabetes Permanently – and You Don’t Need Insulin Shots

In just 30 days from today you could be enjoying a life without diabetes.

It’s true.

You see, there’s a new report that tells you exactly how to reverse your diabetes – or anyone’s for that matter – naturally. With no insulin injections, and no constant blood-sugar-checking.

It really is a miracle how this works and you owe it to yourself to check it out.

The clock is ticking – if you start right now you’ll have only 29 more days to kick diabetes out of your life. Click here to learn how.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Things That A Diabetic Diet Can Do For You

By Athena Hunter

For those of you that have recently been diagnosed with diabetes, you must understand that there is a lot over which you have control. The way you will accomplish that is with your overall lifestyle. Certain behaviors and habits that you currently have can be modified in a positive way using the diabetic diet. One thing that can be modified is the stability of your blood sugar which is modified with proper nutrition. Daily exercise routines are a key component of making sure that you stay healthy. Those that are overweight should make a definite choice to lose the extra pounds. This article will detail some crucial aspects of the diabetic diet.

As a diabetic, you have to be moderate about your intake of alcoholic beverages. In fact, you should consult your doctor before drinking any alcohol, as everyone's situation is a little different. Most alcoholic beverages are high in calories, which is one reason to limit them (the first reason is the effect on your blood sugar). Alcohol, like sugar and many carbohydrates, can cause a spike in your blood sugar, so you can't overindulge in it. You always have to pay attention to what your putting in your body. Fattening foods and beverages, which tend to be the same ones that affect your blood sugar, have to be limited in a diabetic diet.

Reading the food labels on all your food is a good habit to get into. Keep track of the amounts listed for the sugar and carbohydrates in your food.

Set a limit on the amount of carbohydrates you consume in a day. So, for example, if you eat something sweet like cake or a dessert, then subtract those carbohydrates (the sugars) from somewhere else. That is called carbohydrate substitution and is important for you to know and do.

There are several important factors to consider when following the diabetic diet. None of this is difficult to learn or find out about, and your doctor will be able to help you. Using the above strategy will give you some freedom in your meals.

You need to talk to your doctor regarding carbohydrate substitution, however. You need to make sure it's safe for you to do this because there can be exceptions to the rule.

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