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Saturday, July 30, 2011

What happens when my dog has worms?

By Wayne Harley

As your pup sniffs, barks, and scratches its way through life, not a care in the world, eating everything it wants, rolling around in unpleasant things, doing all the things that make being a dog fun. Then out of the blue, you might notice unwanted visitors hanging around for the ride. One such unwelcome hanger-on could be worms.

Thankfully, you can look for and guard your dog from worms early. This can keep them from progressively getting worse, which makes life better for you and your dog.

Some of the signs your dog may have worms:

* Diarrhea, especially if you perceive blood in it.

* An itchy rear. If you notice your dog scratching its rear on the floor or against furnishings, it may be irritated by worms in this area. Another possibility is that they are having issues with glands in these areas, not with worms.

* Worms or eggs in the dog's feces - Yes, this is the most common way to notice if your dog has worms. Keep in mind, though, that not all types of worms can be seen by the naked eye.

* Vomiting, perhaps even with visible worms.

* Dull fur

* Appetite loss

* Dehydration leading to more drinking and as a result, the need to urinate more often.

* Noticeable worms in the fur or in the vicinity of the rear - Tapeworms might look like small moving segments in these areas, which can later dry out.

* Weakness, more hunger, weight loss - If your dog is infected with worms, the worms are robbing your dog of necessary nutrition. Your dog could be eating but still be fragile or constantly hungry, and even could be dropping weight.

* Bloated belly - This is a common sign when puppies have had worms transmitted from their mother.

How dogs can acquire worms:

Heartworms frequently are transmitted from mosquito bites. Tapeworms can come about from ingesting contaminated fleas or other insects. Hookworms can come from ingesting their eggs or larvae. They could be transferred from inside the womb of an infected mother. If the larvae are in water, drinking contaminated water can end in hookworm infection. Watch where your dog gets its water from and prevent it from drinking dirty water. Roundworms can contaminate a mother's fetus. Consuming contaminated dead animals can also lead to roundworms. Whipworm infection occurs from eating or drinking contaminated water or food.

Preventing worms in your dog: Ask your vet to test your puppy early on, as early as three weeks after they're born. They could already be infected with worms and need immediate action. Take your dog to your vet annually for an exam and have a stool sample taken. Regularly give your dog products that prevent roundworms and heartworms. Use products that keep fleas off your dog. Fleas can give your dog tapeworms if they ingest them. Keep your dog away from wild animals or other potential sources of parasites, like drinking from puddles or other dirty water sources. Stop your dog from consuming dead animals. Carcasses can spread worms. Keep your home and carpets clean. Keep your dog from consuming feces. This is the most typical way a dog can get intestinal parasites.

If your dog shows symptoms of being infected with worms, please visit your vet to figure out what the issue might be. Treating your dog with the best care can keep your dog healthy and prevent problems in the future.

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