30 Days to a Diabetes-Free Life

Despite what You’ve been Told – You CAN Reverse Diabetes Permanently – and You Don’t Need Insulin Shots

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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Recommended Treatment of Type II Diabetes And Diabetic Cures

By Joseph C Youngman

As Jocelyn Elaine Hewitt, MD at the Diagnostic and Medical Clinic of Mobile, AL might tell you, type II diabetes is the most common of the two types of diabetes. With this type, which about ninety percent of all people suffering from diabetes have, the diabetic does not need insulin and has a host of different symptoms. Some symptoms may include sexual impotence, burning sensations, difficulties in healing wounds, numbness, fatigue, abnormal thirst, yeast infections, increased urination and blurry vision.

Non-insulin dependent diabetes generally affects adults, and does so for several reasons. These reasons include genetics, obesity, and many other elements. There are many different diabetic cures for Type II diabetes that a person who is diabetic should consider.

Diet and Exercise

One of the better methods to help control your Type II diabetes is to eat the right foods and maintain a good cross training program. Maintaining the right weight for your height is important to control your diabetes. Obesity is one thing that will make your diabetes worse and initiating and sticking to the correct diet is one of the best ways to make medication unnecessary and can sometimes stop diabetes in it's tracks altogether. You will want to begin a diet that is not only healthy, but also one that will help your body deal with the insulin and how it is used.

Exercise plans not only helps you diminish your weight, but also helps you use insulin properly.


Medication is necessary when exercise and dieting is not aiding in the control of the sugar levels within your blood. On the other hand, if you fail to start any type of exercise program and good diet into your daily life, you will have to take prescription medication. There are many different types of medication that your doctor may prescribe. For example, oral medications such as Meglitinides, Thiazolidinediones, Alpha-Glucosidase, Biguanides, and Sulfonylureas are frequently implemented to treat diabetes.

However, if your oral medications do not work or you have some sort of reaction to them, your doctor will likely prescribe possibly several types of insulin instead. The majority of people choose to try to control their diabetes in other ways, without the use of injections or other medication.

Natural Remedies

There are numerous natural remedies that may help you in treating diabetes, these remedies include home remedies, as well as supplements. Before you choose to treat your Type II diabetes with natural remedies, you must make sure that you research all options and make the right choice with your doctor.

Finding diabetic cures and choosing the right treatment of Type II diabetes means understanding all options and alternatives available to you and picking the that sounds right and is most effective for your diabetes.

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