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Monday, March 7, 2011

The Atkins Grapefruit Diet

By Owen Jones

The Atkins Grapefruit diet is a diet plan, not endorsed by the firm of Dr. Atkins, that plays on the fame of the grapefruit diet and the Atkins diet name. A closer inspection of this diet reveals that it may not be all it claims to be.

First of all, it's very difficult to find information on the Atkins grapefruit diet plan. Smart people know that when someone is carrying out a deception, or a con, they will often gloss over facts. This is what the Atkins grapefruit diet seems to do in an attempt to persuade people to associate it with two supposedly effective diets.

Is the Atkins Grapefruit Diet part of the Atkins Diet or endorsed by the firm of the late Dr. Atkins? The answer is no, not only is there no mention of the Atkins Grapefruit Diet on the Atkins web site, but there is no fruit of any kind mentioned in the list of permitted foods in the Atkins diet Induction phase.

The induction stage includes the following foodstuffs:

Fish of any species; any fowl such as turkey and chicken; any shellfish; any meat such as beef or pork; eggs cooked in any style, including fried; cheese; vegetables; herbs and spices; fats and oils; low carbohydrate beverages, including diet soft drinks.

Notice something? No fruit is mentioned on that list. Later phases of the Atkins diet do include small amounts of fruits such as cantaloupe and even lemon juice, and the pre-maintenance and maintenance phases even specifically permit limited amounts of grapefruit. But when compared to the amount of Grapefruit recommended on the Atkins Grapefruit Diet, once more there is a disagreement.

The Atkins Grapefruit Diet recommends a cup of grapefruit juice or a cup of grapefruit sections, with 8 and 18 carbs respectively. Even the most generous phases of the Atkins diet advocates limiting grapefruit intake to below 8 carbs per day. That's a direct contradiction of one diet with the other.

Most reasonable people would take a look at the Atkins website itself the moment they heard about the Atkins Grapefruit Diet. If they saw no mention of that diet on the website, then a red light would go off and an alarm bell would sound.

In general, you should remember this: any diet that relies very heavily on one foodstuff, such as grapefruit on a grapefruit diet, is unhealthy for any but very short periods of time. The Atkins Grapefruit Diet is nothing to do with the Atkins diet, and may interfere with the efficacy of the Atkins diet in its early phases.

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