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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

By Owen Jones

Omega 3 essential fatty acids are frequently in the news, but they appear to drift in and out of public consciousness. Let us review the terminology, they are known as 'essential' because they cannot be created in adequate quantities by our bodies. In other words, we have to eat them.

The absolute importance of Omega 3 essential fatty acids actually came to light in the 1970's when a group of Danish scientists discovered than Inuits in Greenland had a far lower rate of cardiovascular issues than Europeans and Americans, despite ingesting a diet high in fat.

However, the difference between the diets was that the Inuits got their fat from sea creatures whereas the other nationalities got theirs from land animals. The significance of Omega 3 essential fatty acids was established

Once that original research had been verified, other studies on the same issue were carried out by other groups and they all confirmed the significance of Omega 3 essential fatty acids in our diets. These substances help avert heart disease, cancer, diabetes and macular degeneration and will also alleviate these conditions if you did not find out about them until it was 'too late'.

Our main source of Omega 3 essential fatty acids is oily fish like tuna, salmon and mackerel fish and other sea foodstuffs. Research backs up the age-old old wives' tale that fish is brain food. It really is, but it also goes further than that. Omega 3 can help stave off many of the so-called age-related complaints like memory loss apart from the ones already mentioned above.

Some research has also indicated that a deficiency in Omega 3 in children may lead to learning disorders like hyperactivity and attention disorders. There could also be a link to dyslexia. Other disorders that are more certainly linked to a shortage of Omega 3 are depression, some allergies and arthritis. This means that pregnant mothers ought to be watchful of their intake of Omega 3.

This fish oil has also been seen to reduce the seriousness of high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. It also appears to have a beneficial, anti-aging effect on the skin and wrinkles if taken internally as part of a healthy, balanced diet. Most dietitians would advocate eating oily fish twice per week, but that does not mean that you cannot consume it in capsules.

It is vital to see Omega 3 in relation to other essential fatty acids like omega 6. Omega 6 and omega 3 compete for the same place in our systems and that place is only so big. If you eat too much omega 3, omega 6 cannot get a look in and vice-versa. It is a broad subject, so you are encouraged to do more research or take the advice of a dietitian.

However, before you believe everything that they say, ask about the interaction of omegas 3 and 6 and see what they have to say.

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