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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Is dieting healthy?

By Priyanka Wasbiz

On a daily basis, we are deluged with airbrushed images of unattainable bodies. It is virtually impossible to exist in modern society without being acutely conscious of body-image, so it's not at all surprising that many people feel intense pressure to lose weight. If you're thinking about bringing your weight down, the list of diet plans you can choose from is constantly growing. From the grapefruit diet to the baby food diet, there are countless books that promise to make you thin and countless celebrities that endorse these claims. But dieting is flawed as a concept, promoting a short-term approach to weight loss that is not just impossible to sustain, but actually more damaging over time.

Any diet that requires that you eat fewer calories than the amount of energy you expend should be avoided - your body won't be able to cope. Diets that don't allow you to eat any fat also come with health risks, as our bodies need fat to function (fat should account for as much as 30% of your diet).

You should also avoid diets that restrict particular food groups. Eliminating bread, pasta or fruit, for example, means depriving yourself of the vitamins and minerals your body needs. In the short-term, these kinds of diets can result in weight loss, but research has shown that when you continue eating normally you will most likely regain the weight, increasing your chance of diabetes, stroke or heart attack in the process.

The University of California published research a few years ago demonstrating that, for many people dieting eventually leads people to become heavier than they were when they started. As indicated, this 'yo-yo' pattern of weight loss and weight gain is associated with a number of potentially serious health problems.

In the work-focused, convenience culture we inhabit, we are conditioned to look for instant results. Rather than looking for a quick fix, however, the best option for your long-term health is to simply eat a balanced diet and take plenty of regular exercise.

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