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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Following The Atkins Diet

By Owen Jones

The common name for the 'Atkins Nutritional Approach' is the 'Atkins Diet', which was the brainchild of Doctor Robert Atkins. Dr. Atkins had put on a lot of surplus weight while he was studying in medical school and after reading about a new diet in the medical journal, he decided to refine it and release it as his own.

Atkins, in his Atkins diet book, wrote that he believed that the current theories about weight gain were terribly wrong. First, he mocked the idea that saturated fats were bad for weight loss; instead he said it was it was the carbohydrates that caused the weight problems Americans have these days. Atkins declared that on the contrary, our obsession with avoiding fat actually worsened the problem. He pointed out that the low-fat diet foods on the market were high in carbohydrates but were not helping the nation, which probably meant that people on a 'normal' diet often ate foods that were worse for them than what they had been eating before.

The Atkins diet shifts the focus. Atkins said that by cutting out carbohydrates, people would burn stored body fats. And if you lose the fat, you lose the weight. He said it was not just a matter of eating less. Dr. Atkins held that your diet could actually help you burn calories. The Atkins diet supposedly burned more calories than were consumed everyday. But the claims were contested.

Dr. Atkins also promulgated the positive influence that his diet could have on people with type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is a disease you get early in life, but type 2 is often closely associated with diet and excess body weight. So, it should follow that any diet that helps decrease weight, will help people with Type 2 diabetes. The Atkins diet is low in carbohydrates, which must be avoided with type 2 diabetes regardless of the caloric intake, so because of this aspect of the diet, Atkins claimed that those who suffer type 2 diabetes would no longer need medication such as insulin. In general, doctors disagree with Atkins on this point, although they do agree, however, that a lower carbohydrate intake helps control Type 2 diabetes, but there is no proof that carbohydrates cause diabetes.

What are the steps one has to take to follow the Atkins diet? It is followed in four phases - Induction; On-Going Weight loss, Pre-maintenance and Lifetime Maintenance. Here is an overview of the most important phase - The Induction Phase.

The Induction phase is the most difficult phase of the Atkins diet. Atkins is flexible about the time period " but recommends it lasts for two weeks. During this phase carbohydrates are severely curtailed " you can only consume up to 20 grams per day. The idea is to enter a fat burning metabolic phase called ketosis when the body, starved of glucose, will begin converting stored fat into fatty acids needed to power the body. Weight loss during this phase can be extreme " some Atkins followers reported losses of 5-10 pounds a week or more.

Learning the ideal carbohydrate levels for weight loss and for day to day intake after the weight loss ends, are the purposes of the three final phases in the Atkins diet. Millions of people are still losing the weight they want to on this diet " but beware the dangers of taking in too much fat.

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