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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How To Diet To Lower Cholesterol

By Owen Jones

Cholesterol is a major contributing factor in causing heart attacks. However, our own bodies make cholesterol so it can not be all that bad. In fact, we need some cholesterol and apart from that there are two types, one of which is known as 'good cholesterol' and the other as 'bad cholesterol'.

LDL (low-density lipoprotein) is the 'bad cholesterol and HDL (high-density lipoprotein) is the 'good cholesterol'. Both are fatty, waxy substances made by the liver that float around the body in the blood. LDL levels can rise to the point that it can block blood vessels and interfere with the operation of the heart resulting in heart disease and heart attack. LDL comes mostly from the ingestion of saturated fats in red meat, full-fat milk, cheese and cream and from hydrogenated trans fats.

HDL helps clear out the LDL, so a diet that is useful for cholesterol will attempt to reduce the consumption of LDL-producing food and increase the consumption of HDL-producing food. In general, the foods that do this are fruits, vegetables, grains and fish. However, a high cholesterol level (bad cholesterol, that is) is more complex than only diet. It is also important to maintain a healthy body weight and to exercise regularly.

Having healthy levels of cholesterol is really an on-going maintenance programme and has a great deal to do with just living an lively, healthy life. This means not eating a lot of red meat, eating fish twice a week, eating at least five portions of fresh fruit and vegetables a day, not over doing the dairy products, drinking skimmed milk (or none at all), cutting back on cheese and varying your diet and exercising every day, even if it is only in the fashion of going for a walk twice a day.

Although there can be genetic reasons for high cholesterol, most people can resolve this problem fairly easily by exercise and diet. Doctors say that cutting out all kinds of saturated fat and trans fat is the single most valuable way of decreasing your LDL cholesterol levels, so that is the obvious way to start. Grains and pulses are useful because they contain so much fibre which is good for removing cholesterol.

This suggests that eating porridge in the morning instead of bacon and eggs and having some form of lentil soup with whole grain bread before dinner would be steps in the right direction. Snacks throughout the day and sweet at mealtimes ought to be fruit. Citrus fruits are particularly efficient at helping to remove cholesterol.

Other things of food that are consideration to lower cholesterol are nuts like walnuts but almonds; onions and garlic; olive oil and soya bean products. Although cooking in olive oil will help a lot, it is also a good concept to avoid frying whenever there is a possibility of cooking in another way. Grilling yet steaming are the best ways of cooking most fish but vegetables yet it assists retain the vitamin and nutrient contents of the food too.

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