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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What You Can Do To Lower Your Cholesterol

By Owen Jones

There is plenty of evidence that all adults should keep one eye on their cholesterol levels. In early life, the body can handle a bit of abuse, but as we become older our bodies get less able to deal with the rubbish we feed it. Furthermore, younger people are normally more lively than older people and exercise is a means of lowering cholesterol.

It is worth having your cholesterol levels tested at different stages of your life, because some people have genetic problems that result in excessive cholesterol and it is worth knowing if you fall into this bracket as soon as you can.

Before you start working on your cholesterol you ought to know what they are. So, get your numbers and ask your doctor for their opinion. He or she may say that they are all right, that they are on the high side or that you had better do something about them immediately. Make certain that you write a note of these numbers which will be for your HDL (good cholesterol) and LDL (bad cholesterol) levels.

Once you have these reference points and your GP's opinion you can choose what action to take. In this piece, we will talk about the three most helpful methods of reducing your LDL level of cholesterol.

1] The most effectual thing you can do to lower your LDL cholesterol is to reduce the amount of saturated fat and trans fat that you eat. Individuals get most of their bad cholesterol from these two fats by far. Saturated fat comes from animal fat but especially from red meat and full fat dairy foodstuffs like milk, cream and cheese. Trans fats are hydrogenated fats, which are vegetable fats which have been 'liquidized' with water.

Merely cutting out these two sorts of fat may be sufficient to save you from taking medication for the remainder of your life. However, every body requires fat, so in addition to cutting these harmful fats out, you will have to replace some of them with mono-unsaturated fats and poly-unsaturated fats. These words are listed on products in a lot of countries.

In essence, it means cooking with olive oil and spreading better margarine on your bread. In fact there are even margarines and salad dressings now that actually lower cholesterol in their own right.

2] The second means to keep your cholesterol levels under control is exercise. Exercise burns up your LDL cholesterol. You do not have to do a great deal to create a big difference. Hiking thirty minutes every morning and every evening can have quite a remarkable impact on your health particularly if you do not exercise at all at the moment.

3] The third most effective method of keeping your cholesterol levels right is to maintain a good body weight. As you can see, by following a sensible diet and doing simple exercise, you will of necessity get your correct body weight. The whole system is really telling you that if you have a problem with cholesterol, then you are not living properly.

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