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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Foodstuffs You Ought To Avoid To Reduce Cholesterol

By Owen Jones

Cholesterol is a colossal problem in Western countries and the difficulty is spreading from older individuals to younger people and from Westerners to Easterners. Health authorities all around the world are warning of the heart disease time bomb that is ticking away. That is all well and good, but the difficulty is is that not a lot of people are listening until it is too late.

One of the biggest worries is that individuals do not think before buying a meal or a snack - if they are hungry, they will simply purchase a hamburger or a pie. Another big difficulty, is that the generation born in the Seventies did not learn how to cook, but instead depended on junk food. They have also passed that on to their children and so it goes on.

This state of affairs has led to the rise in heart disease. So, what can be done about it? Well, the best thing would be for individuals to go back forty or fifty years and start again, but since that is not possible, it is useful to look into that earlier lifestyle and see how we differ these days from it.

Forty or fifty years ago, there were junk foods, but most individuals ate them just very occasionally. They went home to a cooked meal concocted either by their mother or their wife or they cooked it themselves. It is not important who cooked it, the fact that it was cooked at home is the significant bit.

How often do you eat take-aways and how frequently do you eat home cooked meals - meals that were made from fresh, raw ingredients?

There were not so many labour-saving devices in those days, so people worked harder. 'Harder" I said, people almost certainly work longer hours now, but they do not expend so many calories. In those days, individuals walked further and worked harder and consumed meals made from raw ingredients.

We do not do that now and those are the main reasons why we are all struggling with heart disease. OK, you have to be pretty far gone for it to be too late. You can implement lifestyle changes now and you will recover or you can take tablets and help to make the pharmaceuticals even richer.

If you would like to do something about your condition, it is quite simple. The first thing to do is avoid red meat, full-fat dairy produce like milk, cream, butter and cheese and give up junk food, such as hamburgers, store-bought pizzas, hot dogs, pies, pasties, crisps and chips completely. This will greatly reduce most individuals's sources of the prime culprits of high cholesterol - namely, saturated fats and hydrogenated,or trans, fats..

The second thing to do is raise your intake of fresh fruit and vegetables. You should also eat more peas, beans, lentils, grains and nuts. Soya is also very (very) good for you.

Avoid eating animal skin of all types, because a great deal of the fat content is in the skin and endeavour to replace red meat dishes with those prepared using fish, chicken and tofu.

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