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Monday, May 23, 2011

How Does A Low carb Diet Work

By Ian Stevenson

When you say Low Carb Diets, it refers to a particular dietary program that usually requires to lower carbohydrate intake for weight control or for obesity treatment. Carbohydrates are made up of sugars and sugars are known to cause an increase in body weight especially if they are kept stored. The idea of this program is to replace carbohydrate-rich foods into foods containing high fat or protein percentage.

The reduction of carbohydrate intake is actually a means of caloric intake prevention. This is however can be compensated once there is an increase intake of protein and fat-rich foods. In this way, treatments from various conditions, aside from obesity, like chronic fatigue syndrome, poly-cystic ovarian syndrome, commonly called diabetes, and epilepsy are possible.

There are things needed to be considered first before going into these diets. Once of which is the fact that it may cause some dangerous conditions especially when the depletion of glycogen is severe.

Low-carbohydrate diets are not constant. They vary in specific amount permitted, the certain kinds of foods allowed, and whether or not there are exceptions to be considered. But generally, the program advocates if not total then reduced sugar intake.

Until today, the program remains controversial. This is because different opinions are stated from different experts. The populace has a polarized opinion regarding this matter. The debate is centered on defining first what a normal diet is and how the body is supposed to do its work. No matter what, you have to know that the intestines in our body has the capability to digest and easily absorb the nutritive sugars and convert them into blood sugars. The amount of these blood sugar or glucose should be properly maintain in order to avoid massive complications.

The importance of blood sugar such that it is utilized by cells in the body to supplement the energy needed to perform their basic duties. A large portion of body cells need insulin to carry glucose into the cell. Excessive glucose content is considered to be the source of complications of diabetes such that when there is more production of sugars resulted from the large intake of carbohydrates, the insulin produced by the body may meager to take these sugars into the cells.

The approach of these programs is usually focused on weight control some considerations are made by experts regarding the prevention of some diseases like diabetes, epilepsy, and even cancer.

If you have decided to go into the programs, you have to consider all corners of these. You need to be well-informed in a way that you will not regret your plans of reducing carbohydrate intake. And if you have well researched about these programs, plan ahead how you could do the realization of your plans. Low Carb diets are relatively good depending on your personal condition.

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