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Monday, May 16, 2011

How Important are Medical Alert Systems

By Bill Boxer

Medical alert systems first hit the American consciousness in 1980 thanks to a TV commercial where an elderly woman famously lost her balance and fall. Early warning systems for the medical home generally consist of a base unit and the pendant can be worn as a necklace or bracelet. Potential emergency situations where the phone was missing, the user presses the sleep button. In response to the signal will be sent to the base, which in turn contacts the central station. Representative of the station, and then contact you via pendant and the seriousness of the situation to determine whether medical personnel are needed.

Convince older people in the practical aspects of using a medical alert system can be difficult to sell. One of the main sources of this resistance can be attributed to a perceived loss of autonomy. However, medical alert systems can effectively extend greater independence, providing a sense of security to families and caregivers that their families would be able to communicate with someone if you are injured at home and were unable to reach the phone.

There are many risk factors that may indicate that a person would benefit by having a medical alert. This includes being older than 65 living alone or alone for long periods of time, with a history of falls or risk of falls, use of assistive mobility aids such as canes, walkers, wheelchairs, and air transport and suffering loss of vision or hearing or sensory cognitive deficits. People with one or more of the characteristics listed, especially the first two points, seriously consider getting a medical alert device.

In an emergency, the last thing people want to participate to work on a complicated gadget. For this reason, medical alert systems designed always easy to install and use. They are also much more convenient and safer than a phone. Since the alarm can be worn on the wrist, neck or belt, is a fast, easy access and easy, and it is not necessary to find a phone. Domestic accidents are common, but there are cases which can be fatal. Most are cases where the victims may have survived if help had gone before. The elderly or people with disabilities have a higher risk for this type of thing, and may not be able to deal with them without help. Then a medical alarm can be invaluable.

The standard of medical care that involves warning units is that it is their right, which is another selling point. Persons who respond to calls to the monitoring center are trained to handle emergencies and provide immediate support. Users of personal information are usually kept on file to ensure the quality of care and precautions taken in response to medical problems or emergencies. Among reasons for older people to move to care homes and leave their home, the fear that there will be no support in an emergency or accident while living alone. On the other hand, there are many who think they can lose their sense of independence in a nursing home or retirement. Having a medical emergency can actually get rid of the main reason for going into a situation of assisted living and gives seniors to keep their dignity and their freedom intact.

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