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Thursday, May 26, 2011

If You Have Diabetes A Diabetic Diet Can Surely Help

By Allan Marsh

When you are diagnosed with diabetes, you need to understand that there are several things you can control about the situation. This disease can be handled more appropriately if you change your lifestyle. By modifying certain behaviors and habits, you will be participating in what is typically called the diabetic diet. Proper nutrition is the key to stabilizing the level of your blood sugar each and every day. By doing regular exercise on a daily basis, you can also improve your health. Those that are overweight should make a definite choice to lose the extra pounds. In the following paragraphs, you'll read information about the diabetic diet.

A well known part of the diabetic diet approach is called the ABC component. Blood chemistry and cardiovascular functions operating at healthy levels is the focus of this component. The three-month average of your blood sugar levels is measured in a hemoglobin A1c test which is the A factor. Blood pressure is also taken into account with the B component of the test. Your cholesterol levels are measured by the C component that takes into account HDL and LDL levels The best place to be is having all three factors in the green showing that everything is normal.

You may have more concerns to contend with if you are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. A high fiber diet has been shown in research to be beneficial for diabetics that have Type 2. Your cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels will benefit by using this approach. It is still recommended to eat fruits and whole grain breads on a regular basis. These foods are recommended because they provide vitamins, minerals, and healthy nutrients that your body must have. It is recommended that you consult your physician or dietitian prior to using a high fiber diet. Your daily diet should have a limited amount of carbohydrates in your daily meals.

It is a good idea to consider the use of artificial sweeteners when you have diabetes. Using these sugar substitutes, additional carbohydrates will be limited in your diet every day. The use of artificial sweeteners is not a guarantee that extra carbohydrates will not enter your system. Getting into the habit of looking at food labels before purchasing or preparing food will help you prevent extra carbs from getting in your diet. A table for glycemic indexes should be consulted any time you are using an artificial sweetener. Pay attention to the gram amount of carbohydrates per serving when you're cooking your meals.

Resources and facts uncovered by modern research is helping improve the diabetic diet. There are many convenient methods that make managing your daily diet much easier, but not only based upon this approach. If you decide to do the diabetic diet, a good idea would be to consult a certified dietitian which specializes in this particular diet. If you do not have a dietitian, your regular doctor more than likely can refer you to one that can get you started. The key is to incorporate all of the data that you have into routines and habits that you can follow on a daily basis.

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