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Friday, May 6, 2011

Look at Vitamin a overdose.

By Dominic Bowen

But first IMPORTANT. The body only absorbs five pc of vitamins from pills or pills the rest is washed down the toilet. Find out how you can absorb 98%. Look at the base of this page.

Virtually all over-the-counter antioxidant additions have a unique mix of vitamins in them and generally include appropriate dose labeling. Below is a description of vitamins and some of what's known about potential poisonousness or adverse results of high doses .

There are other unproven perils with taking high doses of antioxidants, such as acute allergic reactions and surprising pharmacological interactions. People should ask their doctor about the explicit vitamins and doses they plan to take. Particularly, they can ask about the exploiting of vitamins to help during times of especially high stress and physical activity, about possible complications, about contraindications with any other drugs or additions they are taking, and about FDA guidelines and research into the risks and advantages of higher applications.

Vitamin A can build up in the system with successive doses and is known for causing health problems at elevated levels. Too much vitamin A ( over 25,000 IU a day ), as an example, could cause headaches, hair loss, and liver damage, or abnormal fetal development in expecting moms. Vitamin E can also build up, but there are no released case reports of major issues caused by overdoses.

Folks who take blood thinners have gone up possibility of bleeding because vitamin E can increase the action of blood thinning drugs. Big shots of Vitamin D ( treatments of 50 thousand IUs, 125 times the U.S. RDA ) can lead to increased calcium absorption from the abdominal tract, and possibly also to increased calcium desorption from the bones, leading to elevated levels of calcium in the blood. This could lead to abnormal calcium deposition in soft tissues, such as the heart and lungs, reducing their ability to function. There isn't any known harmfulness to Thiamine ( B1 ) or riboflavin ( B2 ).

Because riboflavin is a water-soluble vitamin, excess amounts are excreted by the body in the piss. Great measures of Vitamin B6 ( more than 400 mg a day, two hundred times the RDA ) may lead to neurological disorders and insensibility in the mouth and hands. With Vitamin C, harmfulness does not typically happen, since it is water soluble and is continually excreted by the body. Current studies have shown nevertheless, that inappropriate amounts of vitamin C ( i.e, more than the RDA ) could cause noxiousness.

Taking more than 1-2 grams at a time could cause diarrhea and abdominal agony. Poisonousness from over the top Folic acid ( B9 ) intake does not usually occur, as folic acid is water soluble and frequently excreted by the body. Nonetheless applications of folic acid that considerably surpass the RDA may obscure a significant condition called pernicious anemia. Signs of overdose of Niacin ( B3 ) include : entire flushing of the body, burning feeling in the eyes, ears, nose, and throat, issues with vision, skin itching, queasiness, vomiting, abdominal agony, butt rot, lightheadedness. A niacin overdose is typically not dangerous ; nonetheless for great overdoses, call Poison Control. Regular applications of Iron higher than one hundred mg ( 6 times the RDA ) could meddle with absorption of zinc, a mineral that speeds wound healing and aids in controlling the immunological reply. .

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