30 Days to a Diabetes-Free Life

Despite what You’ve been Told – You CAN Reverse Diabetes Permanently – and You Don’t Need Insulin Shots

In just 30 days from today you could be enjoying a life without diabetes.

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Becoming a Vegetarian Review

By Amanda Gamdana

Before anyone makes the decision to become a vegetarian, they often question whether it will make any difference. Although people considering this will ask what difference will one person make? Ok, so one person won't change things much but many individuals who think the same way can make a difference and even one person can help.

Although a single person's sacrifice may be small, you have to multiply that by many millions around the world. One argument for making this change are the benefits it has on your health and the problems that an excess of meat causes, like heart disease; this is the most common reason for death in America and other big meat eating nations.

Circulatory, heart problems, high cholesterol and heart attacks are primarily caused by the regular consumption of dairy products, eggs and meat; a reduction in this consumption would lower these health problems.

The organization Earth Save has calculated that a vegetarian has only a quarter of the chance of a heart attack as someone who has meat in their diet. On the other hand the numbers of heart attacks in vegans are an astonishing 10 times less than those of people that eat meat. A healthy heart is not the only 'health benefit' to becoming a vegetarian as there are other reasons too.

Meat contains a number of preservatives which have links with cancer, something which is dramatically reduced when you do not eat meat. As a vegetarian you won't be exposed to various hormones (that are packed into animal feed), which often disrupt normal hormonal processes in the body.

It is also much easier to avoid the consumption of lactose which many people have intolerance to, causing digestive conditions. n addition to health benefits you will receive as an individual by becoming a vegetarian, you will also reduce your share of the suffering human beings inflict on animals.

The organization Vegan Out-Reach claims that the number of animals killed to feed the average American citizen during their life is in excess of two thousand seven hundred. If you quit eating meat now, you could literally prevent the suffering and death of hundreds of animals over the course of a couple decades.

So the answer is yes, it does matter whether or not you become a vegetarian. The reduction in animal life lost and the improvement in your health should be convincing enough.

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