30 Days to a Diabetes-Free Life

Despite what You’ve been Told – You CAN Reverse Diabetes Permanently – and You Don’t Need Insulin Shots

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Mineral Vitamin Supplements Review

By Amanda Gamdana

What is very contradictory is that most mineral supplements today are made with chemicals and not from natural sources. There is a great demand for these supplements though as many more are now taking them. The main reason for this is the amount of debate that relates to whether or not the chemical mineral vitamins are harmful instead of beneficial within the long term.

The fact is that chemical mineral vitamin supplements are not as easily absorbed as normal food particles a mineral vitamin supplements are. More and more research is going into creating products that are friendlier to the body and hence more beneficial.

Every once in a while, the industry comes up with a form of a mineral or vitamin that is considered to be more bio-available. One of the measures that have been taken to overcome the problem is to combine other bio-friendly elements in the chemical vitamins so as to enhance the absorption capacity of the body. or examples, iron gluconate is something that is better absorbed by the body than plain iron.

The proportion of the nutrients in the vitamin supplement should be relatively higher that it would be found in natural form and only when the proportion is high the body will be able to assimilate the quantity that is really necessary for the body. Obviously, this can lead to a much bigger problem where the toxic level of a certain nutrient is being consumed by very large doses which are needed. This is why it is better to be prudent and not take everything that you see advertised or hear about from others, but be advised by a health professional. The mineral vitamin supplement industry is constantly improving and developing forming new combinations that will really work.

Manufacturers have developed one method in order to help aid in the absorption through culturing all of the raw materials and this can be done with yeast cells. This form of supplements are known as 'food state' and are up to four times easier for the body to absorb the required nutrients as the yeast is completely digested.

Of course, the need for mineral vitamin supplements depends on the diet that each person has. There isn't any doubt that this is a lot more preferable for an individual to obtain all of the nutrients that they require from the food that they eat instead of taking the supplements whenever they find it possible. Supplements should be seen as temporary and not permanent as there are times when your body might need extra nutrients to stay healthy.

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