30 Days to a Diabetes-Free Life

Despite what You’ve been Told – You CAN Reverse Diabetes Permanently – and You Don’t Need Insulin Shots

In just 30 days from today you could be enjoying a life without diabetes.

It’s true.

You see, there’s a new report that tells you exactly how to reverse your diabetes – or anyone’s for that matter – naturally. With no insulin injections, and no constant blood-sugar-checking.

It really is a miracle how this works and you owe it to yourself to check it out.

The clock is ticking – if you start right now you’ll have only 29 more days to kick diabetes out of your life. Click here to learn how.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Tired Of Missing Your Favorite Cocktail? Alcoholic Flavorings And No Crabs For Diabetics And Carb Counters

By George Napoli

Here is the simple truth. When it comes to the real storyline: alcohol, diabetes and weight loss create some real challenges.

Who doesn't like to end the day with their favorite alcoholic beverage? Wine, beer or hard liqueurs are typically the most popular. Alcohol exists in our world, and it's become the center of many of life's activities and celebrations. You get a promotion, and it's off to dinner to celebrate with friends and a cocktail. You play a round of golf or tennis, and you sit in the bar afterwards with friends to talk about the day, over your favorite alcoholic cocktail. That is a perfect example of how alcoholic beverages are the center of our everyday lives.

Although it could be hard to find any wellness organization that will advise drinking alcohol, the A.D. A. and the American Heart Association, as well as others like the American Cancer Society, all agree that consuming alcohol in very light to moderation, is fine for many people.

Individuals with diabetic issues, or weight watchers, should reduce alcoholic liquids. Here's why. Beverages which contain alcohol are converted into fats and therefore are high in unhealthy calories. Neither of the two is very beneficial for either diabetes or reducing your weight. So let us take another look at the subject of alcohol and diabetes in general, and then examine a few choices for you in alcoholic free drinks that are currently offered specifically.

Research conducted recently shows that alcohol produces a large redistribution of blood circulation within the pancreas. What happens is: alcohol sends more blood to a region of the pancreas known as the islets and attacks the beta cells. The islets have cells plus the main role of those cells is to create insulin, the important hormone for reducing blood sugar levels. The beta cells produce insulin, and it helps turn the food you eat into fuel for your cells. Without it, you must take insulin shots every day to live. Over stimulating your beta cells by taking in alcohol might be at the source of the situation.

The recommendation the journal makes is an obvious one. Avoid drinks with alcohol, especially when they are high in sugar content, to avoid even further complications. These beverages include hard liquor mixed with high fructose mixes, wine coolers, sweet wines, cordials and beers.

If you are experiencing other medical problems as a result of your diabetes, then it is best to skip alcohol altogether. Always remember to discuss these subjects with your doctor before doing anything different with your diets.

In the end, there is no last word. If you enjoy the flavors and tastes of your favorite cocktails, cordials, or liqueurs, what else can you do when a virgin cocktail is not your preferred choice? There is a fair selection of choices out there if you look for them. Non-alcohol beer is a perfect example, and there are plenty of options in most grocery stores.

With regards to the exact tastes of rum and soda, or an Irish coffee, exactly what choices would you have for alcoholic beverages with no alcohol? The solution to alcoholic drinks without any alcohol is all in the flavoring. Search natural alcohol flavorings, or flavor concentrates, and you will discover a few of the popular alcohol flavorings with no alcohol, just like cordials and liqueurs available. Stay away from syrup flavorings which will contain sugar!

Natural flavor concentrates are available as flavor drops and include some of the more popular alcohol free flavors: dark rum, Irish Creme, coffee liqueurs and even amaretto. Now you can have all the tastes and flavors of rum and cola, or a mojito, and none of the alcohol. Always choose natural flavoring concentrates with no carbs or calories.

The next time you're along with your buddies sharing a minute or honoring an event, request a virgin mohito and put in your own natural rum flavoring drops. Or perhaps, for a pick me up late in the day delight, try out a mug of java and create your Irish creme or amaretto coffee with alcohol free flavorings.

George Napoli is the author of this article and CEO of yumdropsflavoring.com and has researched alcoholic beverages and weight loss and diabetics for over 5 years. Alcohol flavor drops contain zero carbs. Visit website to learn more.

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