30 Days to a Diabetes-Free Life

Despite what You’ve been Told – You CAN Reverse Diabetes Permanently – and You Don’t Need Insulin Shots

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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Being A Social Vegetarian

By Owen Jones

Lifestyle changes are the most difficult ones to make and one of the toughest lifestyle changes that anyone can attempt voluntarily is to become a vegetarian. Often people find it easier to become part of a support group while attempting lifestyle alterations; think of Alcoholics Anonymous, Weight Watchers or giving up smoking. Joining a support group can help the novice vegetarian too.

The benefits of being a member of such a support group are many, yet some of them are encouragement, advice and friendship. You may not need the friendship, but you might like to socialize with other vegetarians so that you can see how they deal with eating out and basically just mixing into a society designed by and for meat-eaters.

However, whether you propose giving up your old friends or not, you may find yourself gravitating away from them after a while quite naturally. Remember the old expression: 'Birds of a feather flock together'? This is fairly standard.

You will have concerns substituting something else for meat; you will be worried that your diet is lacking in some nutrient; you will start asking yourself which restaurants serve truly vegetarian food and lots more.

Your newly found support group friends will be a immense source of encouragement and advice in this sphere. You may not like the notion of a 'vegetarian support group', yet you could just as easily join a vegetarian dining club or vegetarian cookery class, the effect will work out the same - you will learn and you will make new acquaintances.

If you have difficulty locating such a group by the standard ways of your local Yellow Pages and an Internet search, try going to the local community centre, where there may be yoga classes - a few of the attendees will be vegetarians that you can ask. Or go to you local health food shop and ask there Similarly you could ask at a martial arts club or a Hindu Indian restaurant. If all else fails, you could start your own club.

If you organize your own club, find a supportive bar or restaurant that will cook your meal suggestions for that night at a reasonable price. After a time, I am certain you could build up a lovely little club of twenty people and the landlord may let you have your own room to dine in once a month like the Masons.

If you think that this is too much in the early days, you could simply set up a blog. A blog is an interactive website, where you and others can post relevant information. If you keep the name of the blog relevant to your town and vegetarianism, you ought to find that other individuals searching as you once did will find you, whereas you discovered no one. Once you have built up a group of local, on line vegetarian sympathizers, you could suggest meeting once a month in the flesh and take the dining notion from there. An advertisement in the local paper would help as well.

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