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Despite what You’ve been Told – You CAN Reverse Diabetes Permanently – and You Don’t Need Insulin Shots

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Way a Diabetic Diet Can Be Helpful For Controlling Blood Sugar

By Helen Brown

The person with diabetes has more control over their condition that they may realize. One strategy that takes the condition into account is the diabetic diet. Eating too much of the wrong foods can make the condition worse. Of course your doctor will be able to help you know what foods to eat. And it's not like your diet will become bland and boring because you can still eat a wide variety of foods that are healthy. Here are some important tips for following the diabetic diet.

Foods with a low glycemic rating are often recommended for diabetics. Foods with a low GI rating don't cause a huge spike in your blood sugar levels. What you want to avoid is an unstable situation with your blood sugar.

There is a link between obesity and excessive consumption of foods with a high GI rating. It's dangerous to be obese and diabetic. It can be difficult to manage the serious risks that can be caused by excess weight. Type 2 diabetes is definitely a concern that you must take seriously. Type 2 diabetics, research has shown, will benefit from a high fiber diet. It is possible to achieve positive results for blood sugar as well as cholesterol levels with this approach. Maintaining the proper levels of cereals and fruit in your daily diet is still recommended. Rich sources of vitamins, minerals, and healthy nutrients come from these foods. Be sure to ask your dietician, or physician, about this approach with the high fiber diet. The key is to not ingest an excessive amount of carbohydrates every day.

Another important element of the diabetic diet is watching your fat consumption. You could be unknowingly contributing to your risk of other serious conditions if you don't watch your fat consumption.

As you may know, diabetics have a higher risk of heart disease and strokes. It's critical for you to maintain a healthy blood pressure and range of cholesterol. Your body does need fat to function properly, but the best ones to consume are the essential fatty acids like Omega-3's.

If you have any type of diabetes, it's crucial to follow a healthy and appropriate diet. It takes perseverance to stick to any diet, but you have to make every effort if you want to feel your best. Your diet can be flexible enough to permit foods that aren't ideal but that you don't want to give up. But remember to do so in careful moderation, and always ask your doctor about what you can eat that otherwise may not be recommended. Your main concern with diabetes is keeping your blood sugar levels healthy, so always keep this in mind.

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