30 Days to a Diabetes-Free Life

Despite what You’ve been Told – You CAN Reverse Diabetes Permanently – and You Don’t Need Insulin Shots

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Identifying the Major Diabetes Causes

By Mike Lucason

More people are being diagnosed with diabetes every day. For examples you only need to look at your own social circle. Among them, there is most likely at least one who has diabetes. If not, then there is probably at least one person who knows or is related to someone who has diabetes. In the western world, and beyond it really, it is becoming incredibly common. Diabetes is broken down int two types, Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 diabetics are insulin dependent. At any point, you can develop type 1 diabetes. Type 2 diabetics are not insulin dependent; this type is generally called adult onset diabetes. The following are some of the major causes of this condition.

Gender is not exactly something you can control (except superficially in some cases), but can be one of the causes of Type 1 and 2 diabetes. Men are more susceptible to coming down with diabetes than women are. Unfortunately you can't really do anything about this. Although, if you are a man, you need to be more watchful for signs of the disease and need to be paying attention to the elements of your lifestyle that could cause the disease to take place in your body. Be cautious! Surely, you women should also keep an eye out (but maybe not quite as much).

Did you know that extreme stress levels can contribute to whether or not a person gets Diabetes? It is true! Scientists have recently discovered that people who are stressed regularly are far more likely to contract this disease. What steps can you take to combat this cause? Make it a point to spend time relaxing during the day. Your doctor may also have some ways to help you cope with your stress. There are various methods for relieving the different kinds of stressors in life. Staying calm can help you avoid type 2 diabetes.

High blood pressure is one of the producers of diabetes that you can control. People who suffer from high blood pressure are more likely to contract Type 2 diabetes. Do what you are capable of to manage the level of your cholesterol and keep tabs on your blood pressure. This means it is crucial for you to make an effort to minimize your stress and to keep track of your health. High blood pressure has it's own problems, but is more challenging to take care of it after you have been diagnosed with diabetes. Maintaining your health is the premium option from keeping diabetes from occurring in your body.

The number of people affected by diabetes is increasing every day. It seems as if everyone knows some one dealing with diabetes even though scientists say that only a small percentage of the population is affected. If you have concerns regarding whether or not you are at risk for diabetes you should talk to your doctor. By talking to your doctor you will get good advice on how to handle the specific risk factors that you may face. There are ways to decrease your odds of developing diabetes, although it can't always be avoided.Diabetes is said to be one of the few diseases we have complete control over now. We now know much more about the causes of diabetes than we did 20 years ago. This makes identifying the contributing factors is less difficult. Fortunately there are now many more treatments available for treating it if you do end up with it. You can now access a full gamet of information about diabetes that was once not so readily available because we just didn't know enough about it. Diabetes is preventable if you pay attentions to the signs.Diabetes is an easy disease to take care of. Some people are able to remedy it with diet alone. We are also now aware that the cause for most diabetes is something we can discipline. It wasn't very long ago that medical professional didn't think there was much that could be done to stop the disease. Many people are aware that trying to follow a healthy lifestyle is usually more than what you need to block the disease from taking over your body. Meet with your medical professional if you have further questions about any of the causes mentioned in this article.Diabetes can be caused by a number of controllable and uncontrollable factors. Causes, such as genetics, gender and heredity are things you will never be able to control. Other triggers, like high blood pressure or diet are things that are totally within your manageability. One of the most wonderful ways to try to keep the diabetes causes from taking over is to stay as healthy as you are able to. Every little decision, like what you snack on in the afternoons can be a major factor in whether or not you come down with diabetes. Try to maintain your health the best you possibly can and hopefully you'll be fine with nothing to worry over.

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