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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Symptoms Of Gestational Diabetes - What Are The Signs Of Diabetes In Pregnancy?

By Ross Flowers

Symptoms of gestational diabetes may indicate you developing diabetes during pregnancy. In later stages of pregnancy is when this usually occurs. By definition, it happens to women who have not been diabetic before they became pregnant.

Gestational diabetes usually begins between the 24th and 28th weeks of pregnancy, although it may appear outside of these times. It affects about 4% of pregnant women.

Are You At Risk Of Developing Gestational Diabetes Symptoms?

You're more likely to be diabetic in pregnancy if, before becoming pregnant, you were obese. This means having a BMI of 30 or more. This can be checked against a height and weight chart. An example of an obese woman is someone who's 5 ft 5 inches in height and weighs 180lbs or above.

Having type 2 diabetes n the family, being over 35, having a history of giving birth to large babies, and high blood pressure are other risk factors.

Diabetes in Pregnancy - the Dangers

Diabetes in pregnancy can lead to serious problems for both mother and baby if it is not controlled. Pre-eclampsia and high blood pressure, premature birth, and excessive amniotic fluid is what these complications can include.

Causing problems for the baby is your blood glucose levels remaining high and not brought under control with treatment. The baby may grow larger than normal which can cause problems for both mother and baby during delivery. The baby can also develop diabetes and have an increased risk of fractures and jaundice.

If diabetes is well controlled in pregnancy, it is not usually dangerous for either the mother or the child. To control it, you may need changes in your diet or medication. Gestational diabetes can cause complications so it's important to know if you have it so that it can be treated.

What are the Main Gestational Diabetes Symptoms?

Gestational diabetes symptoms are the same as for other examples of type 2 diabetes. Frequent urination and unusual thirst are the things you may notice. This is because of the kidneys taking extra water from the body so they can excrete the glucose that's not dealt with by the endocrine system's insulin.

When you're tired and lethargic, this can also be a possible symptom. But women during pregnancy commonly experience this even though they're not diabetic. The same is true of needing to go to the bathroom more often. So it is sometimes hard to know if you have any signs of diabetes during pregnancy.

Most pregnant women routinely screen for diabetes by checking their blood glucose levels at regular intervals. Because it's one of the many tests done on blood samples during appointments with the doctor, you may not be aware this is happening.

Of course, if you are not having prenatal medical care for some reason, then you may not be getting screened. The possibility of becoming diabetic is just one of many reasons why it is important to have medical care while you are pregnant. If you think you have symptoms of gestational diabetes, then it's better to consult your doctor right away.

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